Chapter 85: EmilyLK (Fantasy, adventure and romance)

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About the Author:

Hi, my name is Emily and I’m a writer.

Author's Name (Wattpad)?


Where are you from:? 


Where do you get inspiration from?

Books, music, nature – all the usual things/places, but mostly from my mind when it’s running rampant on its own. You could put me in a cardboard box and I could write a novel on imagination alone.

What are your interests?

I go through interests like tissues in the flu season but ones that have stuck around are reading, writing and photography.

Other current passions are crochet, yoga and obstacle course racing.

What genres do you like to read?

Fantasy mostly with sub-genres in adventure and romance

What genres do you like to write?

Fantasy, adventure and romance :3

What stories do you hate? 

I generally don’t hate stories based on genre (though I’m not a fan of horror – too scary for me). If something is well written (even the clichés and fan fics) then I’ll read it J

Any advice for budding authors who don't know where to start?

Read other works, first and foremost. They will not only get your imagination running but teach you the finer details of vocabulary, plots, grammar and good old fashioned story telling.

Another thing to try is just ripping the bandaid off and starting. Just write. Start with a sentence, then another sentence. Once you have the first ideas down on paper you will make room in your head for more.


About the Stories:

I have one novel on Wattpad. House of Auksas is almost complete.

What is it called?

House of Auksas


Fantasy, Adventure, Romance

Who is the main protagonist (character)?

Cori Cook, a kitchen servant in the House of Auksas.

What is he/she like?

She has attitude, but not in a good way. She is disobedient and quick to jump to conclusions. She follows her own mind with disregard to the consequences.

She is also very passionate about her family and friends and they feel the same about her. Each of them would die for the other.

Summary/Synopsis of the story:

Cori is a servant in the House of Auksas. Born a human, her life has been set out for her to follow in her mother’s footsteps as a cook in the kitchens.

When dragons begin visiting her dreams she discovers she has a magic previously reserved only for the elite and the wealthy. Not only must Cori adapt to her new social status, but she finds herself fighting the dragons in her nightmares – dragons that become more real and more vicious with every passing night.

But the dragons are not the only ones who have taken an interest in her. When the Karalis himself turns his attention on her, her life falls off its chosen path and she cannot turn back from the new one, even if she wanted to.

Extra Information about the story

An excerpt:

The dragon souls pulled at her, tearing at her mind and devouring the slivers. They sang haunting melodies to entice her off the path and with every resistance she put up she broke a little more. She pressed a hand uselessly over her wound and moved forward.

With each tug of her mind her resolve failed. Finally, unable to go on, she staggered to a stop and then to her knees. She relinquished herself to them and as they tore through the last of her sanity she closed her eyes and thought of home.

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