Chapter 44 That Didn't Go As Expected

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Chapter 44

Katniss Pov.

I saw Prim this morning and my Mom. They were being all nice to me. I'm upset and all, but I don't want to think about him anymore. I just want to stay strong so that when he's back home tomorrow I don't take him back. I want to take him back, but I don't want to look weak. I'm not one of those girls that wants a boyfriend and will do anything to keep one. I don't need him to be happy, I was happier with him, that's for sure, but I can find other ways and other things and other people to make me happy. I don't know what to do though, because things are easier said than done.

"Kat, it's gonna be okay." Cash tells me.

"I know," I say, even though I'm saying it more to myself than to her.

"Would you ever take him back?" she asks.

"He could drive here, get on his hands and knees, beg me to take him back and I'd still say no." I tell her.

"Oh, you're harsh." she says, "but he deserves it, he shouldn't have been so jealous again."

"Yea, but I shouldn't have had second thoughts about being with him." I say.

"But everyone gets jealous when their ex is dating someone else. He should've been more understanding."

"I guess." A taxi pulls in front of the house. Someone knocks on the door. "I'll get it." I open it up and see Peeta. I close the door on his face. He knocks on it again so I tell Cash who it is. She rolls her eyes in annoyance. I open it again, "Go away."

"No, not until you let me talk to you." he says.

"You're talking to me now, we're done, bye bye." I try to close the door but he puts his hand in the way. "You hurt me, I'm done with this, end of story."

"I don't want our story to end." he tells me, he leans in to kiss me so I step backwards and he trips forward. I try not to laugh, Cash sees and she laughs. "Katniss, I messed up."

"That's what you said the last time. I'm starting to wonder if this was all a mistake." I tell him.

"No, none of this is a mistake. Breaking up was a mistake. You and me not being together is a mistake. We need to try again, just one more try." he begs.

"What then? What if that try fails? We end up right back here? I don't want to go through this feeling again." I tell him.

"You have to take risks in life. You can't just worry that it won't work out again you just have to try and risk it." he continues to try to persuade me.

"Easy for you to say, I was the one crying the whole night. I'm not willing to go through that pain again. I'm not just going to set myself up and possibly get my heart broken again. It's not because I'm afraid to take a risk, it's because I'm afraid of getting hurt and I need to protect myself. I'm done with this game Peeta. It's over." I tell him and close the door.

I hear his sobs. 'Stay strong.' I tell myself. Cash walks over to me, "I think you're making the right decision. And I know you might not be ready for a new relationship, but Cato is a good option. I'm not just saying that because he's my friend, I'm saying it because you guys have something special that is hard to ignore." she suggests.

"It's something to think about, but I'm definitely not ready considering the break up happened yesterday." I say.

"Yea I know, it'll take time, but I know when you move on you guys will be together." she tells me confidently.

We talk a little more. I do try to think if I would date Cato. I come up with an answer, yes.

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