chapter 8: Butter

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Hermione's anticipation bubbled as she stepped foot into Hogsmeade for the very first time, her heart warmed by Archon's invitation.

"Welcome to Hogsmeade, Lady Perquiry," Archon greeted with a smile, noticing her shiver as the snowflakes danced around them. Quick to act, he took her hand, feeling the chill through her gloves.

"Shall we seek refuge at the Three Broomsticks? It's much cozier inside," he suggested, his concern evident in his tone.

"Yes, please. I didn't think to cast a warming charm," Hermione admitted sheepishly.

"Allow me then," Archon offered, his gesture accompanied by a gentle smile.

"Why not," Hermione accepted, her gratitude evident as warmth enveloped her within seconds, dispelling the icy grip of the cold.

"Thank you," Hermione expressed warmly, her smile mirroring his own.

"Anything for the lady," Archon quipped with a wink, his charm evident as they stepped into the warmth of the Three Broomsticks.

Seated comfortably at a table for two, they were soon approached by a waiter, ready to take their orders.

"What would you like, madam, sir?" the waiter inquired politely.

"I'll have a Butterbeer, please. And you, Hermione?" Archon prompted, a playful glint in his eye.

"I'll have a Butterbeer too, actually. I've never tried it before," Hermione confessed, her curiosity piqued.

"Well then, you're in luck, madam. Our Butterbeer is renowned for its deliciousness," the waiter assured with a warm smile.

"Two Butterbeers it is," Archon confirmed with a nod as the waiter departed to fulfill their request.

"Tell me, Hermione, how's Hogwarts treating you?" Archon initiated their conversation, eager to delve into discussion.

"It's... amazing, I suppose," Hermione responded tentatively, her words tinged with uncertainty. In truth, a nagging feeling had been gnawing at her since her first steps onto the Hogwarts grounds, but she couldn't quite put it into words.

"Why's that?" Archon inquired, sensing her hesitation.

"It's hard to explain, really," Hermione admitted, struggling to articulate her unease.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did your mother keep you hidden? No one knew Seraphina Perquiry had a child," Archon ventured, his curiosity genuine but respectful of her privacy.

"My mother needed to protect everything she loved from Grindelwald. She was part of MACUSA's efforts to apprehend him, and even though he's in prison, his followers still pose a threat," Hermione explained, revealing a glimpse of the hidden complexities of her family's history.

Their conversation was interrupted as the waiter arrived, bearing two bucket-like cups of Butterbeer on a tray.

"Here you go, folks. Enjoy your date," the waiter chimed in with a wink, oblivious to Hermione's lack of awareness regarding romantic nuances.

"I suppose we could consider this a date," Archon remarked casually, taking a sip of his Butterbeer and casting a gentle gaze towards Hermione.

As they savored the warmth of their Butterbeer and engaged in conversation, Archon noticed the curiosity flickering in Hermione's eyes, mingled with a hint of apprehension. Sensing her hesitation and eager to alleviate any lingering unease, he decided to extend a gesture of friendship and camaraderie.

"You know, Hermione, there's so much more to Hogsmeade than just the Three Broomsticks," Archon remarked, a spark of excitement dancing in his eyes. "Would you care to take a stroll with me and explore the village?"

Hermione hesitated for a moment, the weight of her uncertainties momentarily lifted by the genuine warmth in Archon's invitation. After a beat, she offered him a tentative smile and nodded.

"I'd like that," she replied, her voice laced with a newfound sense of adventure.

With their Butterbeer finished and the promise of discovery beckoning them forth, Archon and Hermione stepped out into the crisp winter air, the cobblestone streets of Hogsmeade stretching out before them. 

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