Chapter 34: Snake

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"Tom", call Hermione before going inside their potion class but Tom just ignores her.

Maybe he's just pretending he didn't hear you after what happened yesterday?

Hermione thought.

"Good Morning Hermione", greet Archon.

"Good Morning too Archon"

Throughout the class Hermione notice Tom's little change. Archon sat beside her and notice how she took a glance at Tom.

"Is there something wrong Hermione?"

"Nothing", her answer.

I wonder if he thinks about what happened yesterday?

For the whole day, Hermione observes Tom. Tom's attitude towards her is the same as the attitude he always shows to everyone. But of course, she knows better. Tom hides something.

"What will you do this afternoon Hermione?", Archon came behind her.

"Nothing particularly"

"Good, then can you watch me practice Quidditch this noon?"

"Of course"

Before Hermione leaves the room he was talking to Slytherin girls which leads to her dismay.

Maybe you just putting your expectation Hermione

Remember Dumbledore ask for your help

Hermione shrugs her head and walks outside meanwhile Tom watch her leave.

Tom successfully erase the event from the lake and into the park. He has no memories that thing happen with Hermione but with the few memories that were left on his encounter on Hermione, he knows he removed some memories from his mind.

Maybe some precautions?

He said but if he removes some memories then it means something bothered him and that is good.

I wonder what kind of memories I erase in my mind?

Tom thought this time. If he removes his own memories then those memories are not important at all was his final thought before leaving the room.

Noon just came Hermione sat on one of the bleachers on Griffindor while watching Archon practice for their Quidditch.

"Hermione", called Archon in his broomstick in the air.

Hermione wave back at him.

Weird I feel like I have been in this situation before!

Minutes pass Archon fly towards her.

"So what do you think?", ask Archon about his practice.

"Well I do not know anything about Quidditch and I really don't know how to rate you"

"Wait! the best students don't know about Quidditch?", Archon was surprised.

"Well I don't play Quidditch that's why", she answers boldly.

"Do you ride a broom?"

"Yes I do but rarely"

Archon look at her with disbelief.

"Why don't you ride with me now Hermione", offered Abrax.

Hermione looks at him with an unsure look. The reason why she rarely flies with a broomstick is that she doesn't have any reason to. One thing for sure is that she's not professional in a flying broomstick and Archon notices Hermione's reaction.

"Don't worry I will keep you safe", he said and finally accept Archon's hands. He pulls her and sat her in front of him. If they live in a fairy tail the broom would be the horse, Archon would be a prince in a white horse, then Hermione is the princess.


"I don't know"

Hermione might be good at everything but in height?

"Hold on tight", she did what he told. She holds tight in his arms before Archon flies them in the air.

She had a flight of animals but animals are different when it comes to the broomstick. Magical Animals will secure her flight even from a height. Like the flight with hippogriff. She was not scared in height as long as her ride is a magical animal but when it to broomstick?

Tom sat along with his Knights in a circle form. The meeting hasn't been started because Archon was missing.

"Where is Archon", Tom asked.

"His with Hermione Tom", said Lestrange.

"For sure he was doing the mission, Tom", said one Slytherin, Malfoys cousin.

"A mission with benefits you say", Nott said while fixing his fingernail.

"Archon is falling in love with Perquiry, you should see those love eyes he shoot to her", added Malciber.

"What if she doesn't want to become part of our Knight Tom?", ask the other Nott.

"If Hermione cannot be part of our Knight then at least Archon would get Hermione, in that way at least we have a connection with the MACUSA through Malfoy", Lestrange explained.

Tom wants to shut their mouth. He doesn't like their conversation. Somehow it hurt his chest.

"Tom?", asks Lestrange when he notices how quiet he is.

"We begin our meeting without Archon, after all his doing his mission properly", his words are barely trying to get out on his mouth.

With a heavy feeling that he could not understand, their meeting starts without Archon.

"What? how come?", Archon couldn't believe on what Hermione said.

"It's true I'm scared on height when I ride on a broomstick"

After their flight in broomstick, Archon lands them both beside the lake.

"Let's go it's getting we should head back now", Hermione said and stand up.

"Final ride on a broomstick?", Archon offered. Hermione doesn't have a choice so she sat behind Archon and circled her hands on his waist tightly.

"Hold on tight", Archon said and fly the broom un flash that made Hermione shout.

The meeting with his Knight didn't last long. He was walking in the hallway alone when he heard a soft giggle. Archon landed them on the ground softly.

"Next time warn me if you going fast", Hermione said and get down.

"What's the fun on that", Archon said playfully and follow Hermione. They didn't notice Tom who was behind them.

Tom clutches his chest as he watches them walk together, laughing at each other like there were no other people but just two of them.

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