Chapter 31: Dumbledore Request

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After the nurse gave her a drink to cure her headache Hermione go back to her dorm while Archon escorts her to her dorm before going back to his class.

There is nothing wrong with her body. She doesn't feel any illness.

So what's wrong with her?

She wants to ask that but in the end, she doesn't have an answer.

The incident somehow got in her as she felt that she should have done something for the boy name Rubeus but in the end, maybe it was really that boy.

No his not

Her mind said. There is a battle in her mind.

Something is telling her to find the truth but what if that is the truth?

What if it isn't?

With troubling mind, Hermione waited the end of the day. She plans to go with Professor somehow she knows she could trust him.

Of all the people in Hogwarts only Professor Dumbledore somehow she knows she could trust and she could rely on.

But why is that?

In front of her door, Hermione was greeted by the large portraits of Rowena Ravenclaw.


Hermione stop for a second.

"Password?", she doesn't know the password. She was going to knock when her mind tells her something.

"Lemon drop?", Hermione's eyes widened when the door open. She didn't expect that. How did she know the password? Hermione gets inside when she saw the professor was at his table writing something on the paper.

"I'm surprised you know my password ms. Perquiry", Dumbledore said while writing.

"Good evening sir, I hope you don't mind my night visit but I have a deep concern regarding the attack that happens in our school and about this boy named Rubeus. I don't believe that he did that"

Dumbledore stops on his writing and turn his head to her.

"Have a sit first ms. Perquiry"

Hermione sits in front of him.

"I also believe Hagrid doesn't have anything to do with it. If you have any information that could help poor Hagrid before they expelled him please do tell", Dumbledore asks her.

"Well I don't have anything that could help but somehow I have this gut well not really gut but this feelings and dreams that always visit me at night that this thing already happen"

"And that dream is?"

"The chamber of secret, Basilisk, Heir of Salazar Slytherin then for some reason my mind is pointing Tom Riddle"

Dumbledore eyes widened. Over the years Dumbledore watches Tom. He knows he was hiding something but he doesn't know what it is. Maybe Hermione could help him.

"Well it's just my hunch professor I don't have any evidence", Hermione said feeling guilty of pointing out Tom.

"No need ms. Perquiry because I do too have a doubt on Tom", Dumbledore stand on his chair and look at the window.

"If both of our suspicions is correct I want you to look after Tom, Ms. Perquiry. The boy might fall into the darkness and while there is still time. Save him"

Timeless Magic(Tomione Fanfic) Under RevisionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ