Chapter 1: A Cry of an infant

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As vibrant fireworks illuminated the sky in a dazzling display, heralding the arrival of a new year, the mood among the celebrants was one of joy and anticipation. Yet, for Seraphina Picquery, the President of the Magical Congress of the United States of America (MACUSA), there was little cause for revelry.

To Muggles, the grand edifice before them appeared no different from any other building, but within its walls lay the heart of the wizarding community's governance in the United States. MACUSA, responsible for overseeing magical affairs across the nation, found itself in a flurry of activity, particularly in the wake of recent tumultuous events.

Perched in her office on a higher floor, Seraphina meticulously sifted through a mountain of reports detailing encounters with magical beasts and the lingering specter of Grindelwald's machinations. The close call with exposure to the No-Maj community still weighed heavily on her mind, a stark reminder of the fragile balance between the magical and non-magical worlds.

"You ought to take a moment to rest," suggested Alex, one of her most trusted Aurors, his concern evident as he gently placed his hat on the table before him.

"How can I rest when Grindelwald's followers are still out there?" Alex could discern the fear and frustration etched in Seraphina's eyes, emotions mirrored in his own heart. While others reveled with their families, those of MACUSA remained vigilant, knowing all too well the looming threat. Though Grindelwald languished in prison, his influence persisted, and his acolytes clandestinely amassed power. Since his insidious infiltration of MACUSA, every member of authority had become hyperaware, ever vigilant against potential spies lurking within.

Lost in their contemplation of Grindelwald's shadowy network, their reverie was abruptly shattered by the earth trembling beneath them.

"Earthquake!" Alex exclaimed, swiftly composing himself as the transient tremor passed. A mere natural occurrence, nothing more. Seraphina turned to gaze out of her window, only to be arrested by a peculiar sight—a kaleidoscope of hues emanating from a nearby forest, suffusing the air with an eerie energy.

"Alex," Seraphina called, her voice tinged with urgency. Alex followed her gaze and was met with a sight that left him dumbfounded.

Without hesitation, Seraphina apparated into the heart of the forest. The air hung heavy with an oppressive chill, yet a palpable aura of otherworldly energy pervaded the surroundings. Following the ethereal glow, they soon heard the unmistakable cry of an infant—a sound incongruous amidst the darkness of the woods.

"A child's cry in these woods?" Seraphina mused aloud, her instincts propelling her forward toward the source.

"Has someone abandoned their child?" Alex wondered aloud, trailing close behind, their hearts heavy with foreboding.

Questions raced through Seraphina's mind, amplified by the strange energy pulsating within the forest. As they approached the origin, their steps slowed to a halt. There, amidst the undergrowth, lay an infant—a newborn, vulnerable and exposed to the biting cold.

Without hesitation, Seraphina shed her coat and gently enveloped the child in its warmth, her touch a balm that quelled the infant's cries. As the ethereal particles dissipated, so too did the enigmatic energy that had pervaded the forest.

"I suppose that answers our questions," remarked Alex, his tone weighted with understanding. Seraphina nodded in agreement, her gaze lingering upon the child cradled in her arms.

"This child, with such a unique aura, must be safeguarded," she asserted, her resolve firm.

"I understand. This will remain our secret," Alex affirmed, pledging his unwavering support.

Seraphina's fingers intertwined with the child's, her heart-stirring with an inexplicable warmth.

"And what of the child?" Alex inquired, curiosity tingeing his voice.

"For now, she stays with me," Seraphina replied, her focus solely on the infant. In that moment, a profound connection blossomed, stirring within her a newfound sense of love and responsibility.

As the wind whispered through the trees, a name echoed in Seraphina's mind, a name imbued with significance.

"Hermione," she murmured as if entranced by unseen forces. "Her name shall be Hermione."

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