Chapter 27: Dinner with Malfoy

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Days after the dinner with her mother and Tom. Hermione receives a letter outside her window from the owl. It was a letter from Archon Malfoy. She was invited for a dinner. She asks her mother if she could go and luckily she permitted her.

Now here she is dining with his family. Archon turns out to be the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy. the eldest was working at the Ministry of Magic.

Hermione observes the two couples. Archon gets most of his look from her father. There was no hint on his mother's features to Archon.

"So Archon told me you were the best in your school"

Funny! mom asks the same question on Tom!

Hermione thought and look at Mr. Malfoy.

"I'm not the only best student sir. There is Tom Riddle", Hermione explains and Mr. Malfoy looks at his hands.

"So this Riddle are you close with him?"

"Not quite long but long enough to become his friends"


He looks at his son. Archon knows those looks.

"I see but I'm glad you got close with my son to accept his invitation"

"Well your son is also a close friend, he helps whenever I need something and he do things that could cheer me up"

She said with a smile.

Maybe there is hope with his son after all.

"My son is really quite sensitive, whenever someone cry"

That's a lie!

Archon thought. He was thought not to show kindness below them.

"If you don't mind Hermione does Ms. Perquiry already have an update about Hogwarts?"

"Sadly sir this time they haven't, teachers and the boards of Hogwarts already take responsibility on the girl who gets petrified", Hermione said.

Later after their dinner, Hermione was having a conversation with Mrs. Malfoy in the living room in front of the fireplace While combing her hair.

"You know I always wanted a baby girl", Mrs. Malfoy said.

"Then why not have one?"

"Traditions, Malfoy must only give birth to a male"

Hermione wondered if there is a female Malfoy but sadly none but if there is for sure this family did something fishy.

"Then why don't you have me for tonight, I'm sure my mom wouldn't be worried about me", Mrs. Malfoy was beaming with a smile.

"Would you like to try some dress I buy this afternoon?"

Bloody hell!

I shouldn't have offered that!

One of the things Hermione hates is dressed up with many clothes but she doesn't have a choice, she was already trapped in her own words.

Before she knew Mrs. Malfoy drags her to the west wing.

Archon stands in front of his father's office table. They were in his study after all. Mr. Malfoy drinks his whisk while looking outside the window and watch the carriage of pegasus from Perquiry.

"Yoy cant get on top then get the top one in your hands. Quite impressive my son"

My son!

In his life, his father never called him 'My son'. He never used that endearment. It's either his name only or 'Son'.

"Father that is not my plan. Hermione is my...", he couldn't continue his words when he saw his father's eyes.

He put the glass of whisky on the table and pour another.

"She is what? a friend? Do you really think you can fool me, son? I know those look son. For so long you are a failure but seeing those eyes you had with Perquiry's daughter. Why not! make her fall for you then I will arrange a marriage between you and Perquiry's child"

It was always like that. Like a bird caged but this time the offer of his father is what he also wanted.

What about the mission of Tom?

Well, this is also what Tom wants!

But what about you saw that day?

A misunderstanding?

"You don't need to ask me father because I will do it without even your consent", for the first he saw his son smile but there was something in his smile. Something sinister.

If I can't let her fall for me then a love potion well...

"Thank you for the dinner Archon, it was an amazing night especially with your mom. I never thought that dressing up with many clothes would be so fun"

Of course, she dresses up so many times but only under her mother's instructions with maids but with Mrs. Malfoy, she never had those fun.

"It's my pleasure Hermione, I see you off then", Archon said when her Carriage of Pegasus arrives in front of the manor.

"I'll see you then maybe in weeks or days?", Hermione said unsure with her words. Abrax pulls her hands and kiss it.

"I'll see you then", Abrax said and smile at her.

Hermione was slightly shocked when his lips touch the skin of her hands.

"Goodbye Archon", she said before going inside the carriage. She looks once again outside the window and wave goodbye on her hands. Archon did the same thing.

She's mine

No one can have her

Not even Tom

Below the underground room in the manor Archon make a potion. Multiple books and ingredients lay before the table.

A small cauldron started to turn violet, to blue then black.

What's in it?

A love potion!

A love potion that he just invents on his own.

Weeks of research he finally completes it. He already tried the potion on their maids, it works on them. After that, he killed the maids and burned its the body.

Books in a restrictions area back in Hogwarts now are in his possession.

He never knew that he is capable of everything. He never knew he could outstand Tom but of course, he must stay low. All he wants and needs after all is Hermione.

With the use of the blood from the unicorn, the love potion is complete.

"I wonder what should I call you?", Archon said while he pours the potion on a small veil. 

"Hermione, I should call you that after all I made you just for her. The only thing is left now is the Giants in the mountain"

A wicked smile creep on his face. The thought of making Hermione his is running wild on his head. 

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