Chapter 11: Myrtel

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Hermione walked through the corridor when she heard the cry. She follows the sounds leading it to the girls' bathroom.

"Mudblood", girl 1 said. She was sure that girl was in Slytherin because of the color of their neckties.

"Why are you even in our school, you just put dirt on us", the other girls.

In total there were four girls inside cornering the helpless girl. The other girl walked towards a bucket of water.

"What do we do when there is dirt then?", the girl holding a bucket of water said.
Hermione hides where no one can see her. She holds her wands and creates an illusion four snake.

"Wash it off", said the other.

Before the girl throws water on Myrtel they screamed when they suddenly felt a slithering snake on their legs.

"Ahhh", shout the four girls. They ran outside leaving the poor helpless girl.
Hermione reveals herself in the corner.

"Are you okay", she asked bending her one knees on the ground. The girl was in Ravenclaw. Her hair tied in two tails, she has a big round eyeglass on her and braces on her teeth.

"I fine, thank you", before she stands up. Hermione helps her.

"How long they been hurting you", ask Hermione.

"Not long, on my first year, i think"

She answers.

That long?

Hermione shook her head. This girl is strong. Others wouldn't survive that long.

"I'm Hermione"

"I know you were the talk of the school", she said.

She could see how she tried to avoid her. She was intense.

"You don't need to be scared of me, may I know your name?", she asked her.

"Myrtel Warren"

Moaning Myrtel...

A sudden voice in her head.

Where did that come from?

"It's nice meeting you Mrytel. Hey do you want to hang out sometimes?", Hermione offered.

Myrtel looks at her with disbelief. She notices her ties. She's in Gryffindor. Thought Gryffindor is not totally against in muggles she doesn't interact with them.

In fact, she doesn't have any friends at school.

"I don't know"

"I'll take that as a yes then, next week On Hogsmeade?", she was going to answer Hermione but she turned away.

There is it again, the nostalgic feelings. Every part of the school felt familiar then there is also a place where she wants to go but stop those feelings.

Walking back at the corridor Hermione then faces the wall.

She was sure or maybe just an imagination that there was another room inside.

She holds her chest and tried to touch the wall. As she touches the wall, the wall disappears.

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