Chapter 4: The snake and the lion

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Tom and Slughorn, positioned at the entrance of Hogwarts, watched eagerly as a figure glided over the treetops of the Forbidden Forest in the distance. Drawing closer, a dark blue horse-drawn carriage emerged, lifted skyward by six winged horses.

"Here she comes," Slughorn exclaimed with palpable excitement. Meanwhile, Tom remained silent, standing stoically behind Slughorn. At the tower, Avery, Lestrange, Rosier, Mulciber, Nott, and Archon observed the scene with keen interest.

The carriage descended gracefully to the ground, prompting Slughorn to eagerly open the door and extend his hand to assist the newcomer.

With wavy brown hair, brown eyes, and an unassuming appearance, Hermione stepped down from the carriage, her presence immediately capturing Tom's attention from behind Slughorn. As she alighted, a sense of nostalgia and déjà vu washed over Hermione, enveloping her in a wave of familiarity.

"Thank you, sir," Hermione expressed her gratitude with a polite smile.

"My pleasure, dear. Welcome to Hogwarts. I'm Professor Horace Eugene Flaccus Slughorn, a Potions Master," Slughorn introduced himself warmly.

"It's nice to meet you, sir," Hermione replied, returning the greeting before noticing Tom standing behind Slughorn. Tom offered her a smile, which Slughorn took note of.

"And this is Tom, my boy. He's a prefect and a fellow student in Slytherin. He'll be your guide for today, and if you need anything, you can ask him," Slughorn said, gesturing towards Tom.

Tom approached them, extending his hand for a handshake. "Tom Riddle, Ms. Picquery," he introduced himself.

"It's nice to meet you, Riddle," Hermione accepted his hand, pleasantly surprised by his courteous demeanor. Tom had expected Hermione to be a spoiled brat, but he was taken aback by her decency. As they shook hands, he noticed her smooth, warm hands and found himself pleasantly impressed.

Hermione reciprocated the handshake with a genuine smile, glad to make Tom's acquaintance.


Inside the Headmaster's office, Hermione stood in awe, taking in the grandeur of the room. The shelves were lined with ancient tomes, portraits of former headmasters adorned the walls, and a warm fire crackled in the fireplace. Headmaster Dippet, a kind-looking man with a gentle smile, welcomed Hermione warmly.

"Welcome, Miss Picquery," Headmaster Dippet greeted Hermione, his voice carrying a sense of wisdom and authority. "I am Professor Armando Dippet, the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It's a pleasure to have you here."

Hermione returned the greeting with a respectful nod, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Thank you, Headmaster Dippet. I'm honored to be here," she replied, her voice tinged with enthusiasm.

Headmaster Dippet gestured towards the comfortable chairs in front of his desk, inviting Hermione to take a seat. "Please, have a seat. I'm sure you have many questions about Hogwarts, and I'm here to answer them to the best of my ability."

As Hermione settled into the chair, she couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at being in the presence of the esteemed Headmaster. This was the beginning of her magical journey at Hogwarts, and she was eager to learn everything she could about the school and its rich history.

Tom stood silently behind her, his mind buzzing with anticipation. He couldn't help but wonder which house Hermione would be sorted into, secretly hoping she would join him in Slytherin House.

Suddenly, a knock echoed through the room, drawing their attention. Professor Dumbledore entered, his presence commanding the room with an aura of wisdom and kindness. Hermione's breath caught in her throat as she beheld the legendary wizard before her.

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