Chapter 5: Knowledge

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What was the most potent force in the wizarding world: magic or knowledge and wisdom? As Hermione made her way to the hall, she couldn't help but sense the curious glances of her fellow students. With twenty minutes to spare before her first class, she clutched her timetable, grateful that she hadn't lost her way amidst the maze of corridors. Strangely, she seemed to navigate effortlessly, her instincts guiding her unerringly to her destination.

Among the sparse gathering of students, she spotted Tom Riddle, the boy she had encountered earlier that morning, seated alongside Archon at the front. As Hermione approached, Archon took notice of her presence.

"Picquery, come sit beside me. It's the only vacant seat available," Archon offered graciously, gesturing to the empty space beside him.

With his blond hair and piercing grey eyes, Hermione couldn't shake the suspicion that this boy was a Malfoy. Strangely, he seemed to recognize her, despite their brief encounter at the MACUSA party.

"Thank you. I assume you're Mr. Malfoy's son?" Hermione ventured, noting the family resemblance.

"How did you guess?" Archon appeared taken aback by her astuteness.

"It's in the genetics. Malfoys are known for their distinctive blond hair and grey eyes," Hermione explained matter-of-factly, recalling her studies on magical lineage.

"I'm honored you're familiar with my family, Perquiry. I'm Archon, by the way," Archon introduced himself, extending his hand to Hermione.

"Pleasure to meet you, Archon. But please, call me Hermione," she replied, accepting his handshake. It struck her as odd; according to her upbringing, Slytherins and Gryffindors were supposed to be at odds.

"Hermione, then," Archon smiled warmly, reciprocating her gesture. Hermione was the first to release his hand. Meanwhile, Tom remained silent, observing the interaction with a guarded demeanor.

As other students introduced themselves to Hermione, she accepted their greetings graciously. It seemed everyone was eager to meet her, given her status as the child of the renowned Perquiry.

"Now, now, class, please take your seats and quiet down," Professor Slughorn's voice filled the room as he entered.

"Before we begin today's lesson, I'd like to extend a warm welcome to Miss Perquiry. I'm sure many of you are already acquainted with her. It's a pleasure to have another distinguished wizarding family choose Hogwarts," Professor Slughorn announced proudly.

"It's an honor to be here, Professor. I've always admired Professor Dumbledore," Hermione replied politely, her words carrying an air of nobility.

The comment elicited laughter from the class, except for Tom, whose expression remained unchanged.

"Now, who can tell me what the Draught of Asper Mors Mortis is?" Professor Slughorn's question hung in the air, prompting Tom to raise his hand as usual. However, to his surprise, Hermione's hand shot up alongside his.

"Well, well, it seems we have a competition on our hands," Professor Slughorn remarked with a twinkle in his eye.

"Shall we give Miss Perquiry the honor this time, Tom?" Slughorn's gaze shifted to Hermione, eager to test her knowledge.

"Certainly, sir," Tom replied graciously, intrigued to see how Hermione would fare.

"Miss Perquiry, if you would," Hermione smiled confidently, ready to answer.

"The Draught of Asper Mors Mortis, also known as the Draught of Harsh Death, is a potion crafted entirely from the essence and various parts of flowers. It stands as one of the most dangerous and deadly poisons ever created. Upon consumption, it rapidly dehydrates the liquid components of the human body, leaving behind only dust and skeletal remains. However, if three drops of Amaryllis flower extract are added to the potion, it transforms into a potent healing elixir. Yet, exceeding this dosage leads to the creation of an unstable substance with a noxious odor," Hermione explained eloquently, holding the attention of the entire class, including Tom.

"She's full of surprises, that's for sure," Tom mused inwardly. Initially, he had pegged her as just another entitled child, but her actions were proving otherwise. First, she defied convention by choosing her own house with the Sorting Hat. Now, her display of knowledge was impressing even Professor Slughorn. It irked Tom, though; he wasn't one to relish competition, especially when it came from unexpected quarters. He schooled his expression, masking his internal disquiet.

"Remarkable, as expected from a Picquery. Tell me, Miss Picquery, have you ever brewed this potion before?" Slughorn's astonishment was palpable, and he was beginning to see that Hermione was more than just a well-connected child; she was undeniably gifted.

"I brewed it for the first time when I was eight years old, so I'd estimate around six times since then," Hermione replied honestly, her confidence shining through.

"Twenty points to Gryffindor. Now, follow the instructions in your books and brew the Draught of Asper Mor Mortis. Pair up with your partners," Slughorn instructed, his admiration for Hermione evident in his tone.

"Would you like me to be your partner, Miss Perquiry? I'm Luke, by the way," the boy with ginger hair and piercing blue eyes offered from behind her seat, a faint smattering of freckles decorating his face.

"Call me Hermione instead of Miss Perquiry; no need for formality. And yes, I'd be happy to be your partner," Hermione replied with a smile.

As the other students dove into their textbooks and began collecting ingredients, Hermione moved with confident efficiency, not needing to consult the book. Professor Slughorn observed her actions, but he wasn't the only one; Tom Riddle's gaze was fixed on her as well.

"How can you be sure you've gathered all the ingredients?" Luke asked, his disbelief evident. Hermione merely smirked in response.

Tom recognized Hermione as his rival in potion-making, and he refused to let Perquiry outshine him.

Archon noticed the shift in Tom's demeanor; teamwork was the goal, but it seemed Tom was shouldering most of the workload.

Hermione, on the other hand, exuded confidence in her actions.

"Draught of Asper Mors Mortis colors silver when it's perfect," Luke assisted Hermione by helping with the ingredients and cutting.

"Finished, Professor," Hermione announced, stunning everyone with their efficiency. In just four minutes, Hermione and Luke had completed the potion.

While most students were still in the process of cutting ingredients, Tom and Archon were only halfway through, already aware that their potion was doomed to failure.

"Perfect, Miss Perquiry and Luke Scamander. Ten points for Gryffindor," Professor Slughorn declared, eliciting awe from the onlookers.

For the first time, someone had bested Tom in potion-making.

"Looks like you've found yourself a rival, Tom," Archon remarked with a smirk.

Tom made a silent decision; he would make it his mission to recruit Hermione Perquiry as one of his allies.

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