Chapter 29: Rubues son Hagrid

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Rubeus Hagrid, son of Professor Rubeus in Care for Magical Creature Class. A half-human and half-giant. Unlike others, Rubues loves to take care of magical creatures that is why Tom targets him as someone who could take the blame of the incident.

Lately, Rubeus had a new pet whom he called Ararog. A big spider, an acromantula.

Tom observe for a few days before initiating his plan. A plan to framed poor Hagrid.

His plan was actually to stay in Hogwarts but since it was denied because of the attack he has no choice but to close the chamber and find someone to frame.

Of course, he won't stay back in the orphanage. It's either he goes back or close the chamber and find the culprit for a while. The thought of going back to the orphanage sickens him.

At one corner, Tom hid while Rubeus holds the box Ararog house.

All is plan well, after this all he needs to do is convince Headmaster Dippet that Hagrid's pet was the monster that terrorized Hogwarts.

In the original timeline, Rubeus fathers are not a professor in school but since the time is reversed and so is space.

Around 1943, the Basilisk injured many at Hogwarts, with its last victim Myrtel who was killed in the girls' bathroom when she saw the Basilisk's yellow eyes. In light of this incident, the Hogwarts Board of Governors decided that Hogwarts was to be closed.

During that year, Riddle made a special request that Headmaster Dippet would allow him to stay at school over the summer break.

However, Dippet informed him of the governors' decision and denied his request.

Realizing that the Chamber would need to be closed and the culprit caught in order to keep the school open (and not have to return permanently to the orphanage), Riddle framed fellow student Hagrid and his pet Acromantula Ararog.

He convinced Dippet that Aragog was the monster that had terrorized the school. Hagrid was expelled, and Riddle received an engraved trophy for Special Services to the School.

Dumbledore, who did not believe that Hagrid was responsible for the killing, managed to arrange for him to be kept on as Hogwarts's groundskeeper. Distrusting Riddle, Dumbledore kept an "annoyingly close" watch on him after that.

Due to this, Riddle realized that he would not be able to risk opening the Chamber while still a student.

As such, he preserved a part of his soul within his own school diary, the very first of his seven Horcruxes, hoping it would one day lead someone to finish Salazar Slytherin's "noble work".

Now back at the present time many things change. Myrtels death was avoided and much possible death of the other muggles but it seems Hagrid cannot avoid this one.

As Rubeus place his pet on the table Tom came out pointing his wand on Hagrid.

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