Chapter 13: A snake poison

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Tom nearly brake the walls in their meeting room when he came inside. He never failed in everything. He was always on top.

But because of that Hippogriff, he looks like he fools himself. Now everybody knows in Hogwarts he looks like a laughing stock.

"Tom your hands are bleeding", Lestrange said. He was going to touch his hands when Tom holds his neck and choke him.

Archon and the others got alarmed.

"Tom please calm yourself", Archon plead and release Lestrange on his grip.

Tom take a deep breath and calmed himself.

"How's the plan Malfoy?", Archon gulp when he looks at Tom.

"I'm still working on it Tom but I can see that we already starting our friendship", Tom looked at him with cold eyes.

"She's lucky she's a candidate for our knights but if not, I would gladly put her on her place"

His voice is cold as ice that sends chill on their spine. A hiss of the snake came inside the room as they saw a gray small snake climbed towards Tom.

The snake slithered on his arms. He plays with the snake-like it was a loyal pet.

"Everything must go in the plan I will not let Perquiry destroy it, I will make her bow to me"


"Hermione", called Archon in the corridor. Hermione waited for him.

"Where are you going?"


"Mind if I come"

"Of course"

There were just two of them in the library. Archon couldn't help but notice Hermione angelic face while she read and write. Hermione notices Archon staring at her.

"Is there something on my face?"

Asked Hermione. Archon widened his eyes when he notices his action. He was suddenly embarrassed.

"Nothing, I just wondering a lot about you", he said, well technically that's the only thing that came to his mind.


"Like how you did it when a hippogriff bow to you first", he said. He really is curious about that.

"To tell you the truth I don't know"

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"How should I explain this?", Hermione set aside her pen and look at Archon.

"The first time I ride a magical creature is a Griffin and like Griffin, they have the same characteristic. I was fascinated with the creature that I forgot to bow my head first. Mom was beyond scared at that time and ran towards me. But instead, mom was a shock when the griffin walk towards me and play with me like I was its hatchling"

The more he gets to know her the more he gets fascinated by her. Archon never thought he would be drawn towards her. 

Timeless Magic(Tomione Fanfic) Under Revisionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें