Chapter 19: Space between time

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In the middle of the unknown world, Hermione stood between in a world where time never exists. A world where the sky embodied with the celestial sphere. A calm endless sea rippled as she takes steps towards the figure in front of her.

In front of her was a little girl she always dreamed of but she couldn't see her face. She wore a Hogwarts uniform but the uniform somehow different.

The girl offers her hand. Without hesitation, she accepts her hand.

"Why do you keep coming on my dreams", she asks.

"You have forgotten who you are", her voice sends a chill on her spine. She knows her voice when she was just a child. This little girl has the same voice like hers.

"Who am I?", Hermione was confused to what she said.

This is just a dream.

She convinced herself but whenever she thought about it, there is a pain in her chest.

She is Hermione Perquiry, that is who is she. A dream is a dream but this dream why does it keep coming?

"You and the time just became one. Unseal the power within to change the course of time"

She was more confused now, slowly the girl's hands are turning into dust. The world she stands in fact is starting to disappear.

"The time and the witch become one

Erase the future to make new ones

Rewrite the time on her hands

The witch will decide the future of both worlds on its hands"

Chant different voices around her before the world she was standing to disappear and so was her.

Timeless Magic(Tomione Fanfic) Under RevisionWhere stories live. Discover now