Chaptet 35: His Plan and Hers

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Only days few left before the school break. Tom planned everything. He just needs to kill his father then his first step for his Horcruxes. His diary then next to his ring. The ring that he must possess from the Gunt.

All this month Tom was carefully about his action and at the same time, he tried to avoid Hermione no matter what. Hermione on the other hand observes his action this whole month from afar.

Tom sat at the nearby table in the window inside the library. He was busy doing all extra credit when he notices someone seated in front of him.
It was none of the others but Hermione which to his surprise.


"Tom, are you avoiding me, Tom?"

"What makes you think of that?"

"Well after what happened in the lake you starting to avoiding me"

What happened in the lake? Tom wanted to ask. He knows he erases some part of his memory.

"Hermione I can't remember what happened in the lake and I tend to forget useless things sometimes", he said directly to her.

"That's good then, I thought you also think of it but somehow I'm the only one did", there is a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"Well glad you don't remember it, sorry for disturbing you", Hermione leaves Tom with a questioning look.

"Professor?", called Hermione outside Dumbledore's room.

"Come in", said Dumbledore while making his favorite lemon drop.

"Professor, about Tom where do you think he will stay? you said he leaves at the orphanage right? do you think he would go back there?"

They both have a doubt on that thing. Dumbledore knows how Tom hated that place.

"I do also have a concern about that Hermione so I was hoping you could because I can't. I'm preparing a paper for Hagrid to become a groundkeeper at school"

The evidence from Hagrid is tough that Dumbledore couldn't do anything. So he offers young Hagrid to be the groundkeeper of school.

"I can do that sir, I just want you to send letters to my mom"

"Then it settled then", Dumbledore said.

Hermione walk in the hallway when he heard Abrax calling her name.

"Hermione what will you do next week?", Archon asks hoping he could have time with her.

Not from afar Tom group of Knights watch the two interactions.

"Well I actually ask for Professor Dumbledore to teach me some potion making this break"

"Well that's too bad, I was actually hoping if I can invite you to my house. How about after that week?"

"I have no plans after that"

"Then you don't mind if I invite you for a ball. I'll owl you the invitation"

"I will expect that then"

A break from school came. Hermione watch student leaves school. Dumbledore sends a letter to her mother that she will stay at school for a few more weeks before she returns home.

Hermione walks alone in the hallway when her feet lead her to the girl's bathroom.

She walks near the washing area and washes her face. These past few months many things happen. Students just forget about the incident but for Hermione, the case is not solved yet.

Dumbledore and she have the same suspect but all those months of observing they couldn't find anything or Tom was really just good at hiding.

Hermione wishes that her speculation is wrong. She hopes she was mistaken. She admits she started to fall for him and that is why she was hoping she was wrong.

And what if your right?

She thought while looking herself in the mirror. Hermione looks for her handkerchief from her pocket when something round fell on her pocket. It was a pendant, it rolls down the floor then stop at the corner. Hermione walks towards it to pick it when she notices the structure of the walls.

Is that a pipe?

Hermione follows the said pipes. It must be leading down somewhere but where?

Hermione's heartbeat. That feeling again. Hermione recalls her dreams about the little girl. The little girl who was saved from the trolls. It's exactly in this room.

The attack?

She looks at a puddle of water from the corner.



Her head suddenly felt pain but it's not just the head hurts, her chest, her whole body.

She clutches on one corner as she tried to lose the pain but it's getting more worst as she fights it.

Let it go, Hermione

Don't fight it.

Said the voice in her head before she passed out.

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