Do You Like Her

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After awhile of singing and laughing, we arrive at the Walmart to pick up some food. We walk through the automatic doors and of course Josh, being the dork he is, acted like he was using the force to open them. Jenna grabbed a cart and we were on our way.

"So Jenna, what are you making us for supper?" Josh asked looking at all of the vegetables she was putting in the cart.

"I can't tell you, it's a surprise." She teased as she put some tomatoes in the cart.

"Nooo. I want to know." Josh wined.

"Sorry buddy." She smirked.

We made our way through a few more isles until we found ourselves with all of the cookies and snacks.

"What kind of cookies do you all like?" Josh asked as he admired all of the choices.

"Ummm. I like Oreos." Jenna stated.

"Ooo me too." Josh looked over at me, "what about you, Ty?"

"Oreos sound good." I had no intention on eating them, but I think that I like them, or use to anyway.

Josh picked up a package then we went to the drinks, we picked up some Coke Zeros and Dr. Peppers along with two packs of Red Bull. The. We headed towards check out.

"Alright, Josh if you want to pay for the drinks or the cookies, I can buy all my ingredients for supper." Jenna suggested.

"Nope, sorry ma'am, I'm paying for all of it." Josh stated.

"Josh, this is a lot of food, let us help pay." I chimed in.

"Nope nope nope." He closed his eyes and shook his head.

Jenna and I sighed in defeat.

We made it through check out and back to the car quickly. We hopped in and started towards Josh's apartment. When we arrived we all went to the trunk to help carry the bags in.

"I can get the veggies and the meat if you all can get the drinks and Oreos." Josh stated as he picked up bags and started towards the stairs.

"Okay, Ty, you get the Oreos and I'll get the drinks."

"No, Jen, you carry the Oreos, let me carry the heavier stuff." I reached to grab the Coke Zeros out of her hands but she quickly pulled away.

"Nope, you still need to take it easy," she glanced at Josh to make sure he was out of ear range, "I've noticed that you are still limping so don't pretend to be fine."

"Ugh, okay." I sigh and pick up the Oreos. I haven't even noticed that I had been limping but now that Jenna pointed it out, I realize that my left ankle is still hurting a bit and that I am noticeably limping.

Once we get up stairs Josh is on his way back out the door, "We already got everything, Josh." Jenna turned towards him as he slides out the door.

"I'm going down to get your alls bags."

"I can get them." I say to him.

"Nope. I'm not letting limpy and the lady get their own bags, besides, you all are guest, so make yourselves at home." He smirked and ran it the door.

"Okay, seriously, why didn't anyone tell me that I was limping that bad?"

Jenna just giggled in response to my question. Gosh her laugh was cute. She was so perfect, maybe one day I'll make her mine. I feel like we've known each other for so long, yet it's only been a day.

I'm taken away from my thoughts when I hear Josh shut the door rather loudly behind him.
"Okay, bags are on the couch."

"Thanks man." I smile at him when he walks into the kitchen area.

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