Mary-a short story

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Mary-a short story


It had always been the five of us. Until Mary went missing.

She never really said much, anyway.

The fact that she was gone didn’t scare us; the fact that the thing that had taken her was still out there was what did.

Author: xXLoveAndSkittlesXx


My opinion:

Amazing, brilliant and really impressive short story.

Honestly this is one of the best short stories I've ever read! The storyline was so original and it was so suspensful and scary and so well written that I wanted to read more from this story. Sadly it was so short.

xXLoveAndSkittlesXx is such a great writer. If you haven't already checked out her other story Chasing The Browns do it now because Chasing The Browns is one of the best stories in the Mystery/Thriller genre! I just love it.

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