Red For Rebellious

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Red for Rebellious


Compared to the beautiful, outgoing Melody, Sutton Bran has always lived in her older sister's shadow as the shy, innocent girl. Even so, she happens to catch the attention of mysterious bad boy Colton Jones. He steals her first kiss one night at a party and sends her home thinking that her life is finally starting to fall into place... that is, until she arrives at her house to find that Melody has been killed in a drunk driving accident. Unable to deal with her grief, Sutton's life spirals out of control. But one guy thinks he has what it takes to show her there's still so much to live for. All she has to do is be a little rebellious.

Author: glitterANDgold


My opinion:

I love this book because it is original and real.

This story is so sad .The first chapters made me cry because of Melody's dead.

Sutton gets through really hard times after the loss of her sister.But Colton is there for her and always makes her feel better.It is really cute to read how they slowly become closer.

Red for Rebbelious is a truthfol story.The author's writing is great and the story is completed.

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