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There is a tradition set every year at Denver High. For one week, the popularity ladder is reversed, and the kids who've been bullied all their lives can take revenge on those who've made them suffer. And Callum Wright, the boy infamous for his heart of stone, is their number one target. But when Scout Dawson blurs the lines of Hell Week by siding with Callum, she finds herself playing a dangerous game. Because when the week is over, and things go back to status quo, Callum might just revert back to his notorious ways. After all, when you fight fire with fire, you're bound to get burnt.

Author: hepburnettes


My opinion:

This is a really original short story.

Sometimes this story is so sad because Scout is supposed to picking sides.She has to choose between her friends and Callum - the one she has feelings for.

Aww,why shold everything be so complicated in this story?

Anyway this book is good so go and check it out!

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