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"Harry come change Clay's diaper!" Camila yelled down the stairs.

"I'm cooking! You do it!" Harry yelled back.

"I can't! I'm busy with Cookie! Besides, it's your turn!"

Harry sighed and set the stove on a low heat so that the food wouldn't burn. He took off his green apron and hung it next to the purple one. Then he made his way up the stairs to his wife.

"Finally! It stinks!" She exclaimed when he walked into the playroom.

"If the smell bothered you that much then why didn't you change him?" Harry asked while picking Clay up.

Camila put her hands on her waist. "I did it the last three times!"

"You're the one who wanted another one. Cookie is a handful as it is but nooo, you weren't content enough with one."

Camila looked at him with her mouth open. "I can't believe you just said that. You were the one who suggested having Cookie in the first place. Now-"

"Honey, I was just kidding. You know that I love our babies very much. Now come here."

He finished off changing the diaper and reached for his wife.

"Hey! Your hands stink!" She screeched and raced out of the room.

"Oh c'mon!" Harry yelled, running after her.

Cookie and Clay silently looked at each other before following their parents out on all fours.

While the Archer family chased each other around the house, a Cupid sat in his living room, watching the four of them. He wasn't sure how to feel as he watched them. On one hand, he found the entire scene hilarious but on the other hand, he wanted to be the one that Camila was laughing with. He wanted to be the one to have a family with her: to hold her, take care of her, love her.

As he watched Camila and Harry wrestle through the portal, a group of people flew into the living room. The group was led by two regal looking beings: (one Trerry, one Cupid) both of them wearing glass crowns.

The Queen and her King had their usual blank expressions on their faces. Despite their cold postures and intimidating glares, they were great rulers. They were fair, kind and they tried their best to get to know their people well. That day's visit was proof of that.

"Cyrus are you still watching Camila?" Belle asked in disbelief.

"No. He's watching The Amazing World of Curey." Wes replied sarcastically.

Belle shot her husband a cold look but the Queen, as usual, ignored them. She sat down next to Cyrus and looked at the portal.

"The dogs still have diapers?" She asked.

Cyrus nodded as the whole Cupella found a seat in the spacious room.

"Yeah. Harry always wanted pugs and I guess she did too." Cyrus answered.

Prince Barry laughed. "Don't you ever get bored? You've been watching her everyday for what: 3 years?"

"You idiot!" Vonnie slapped the back of his head.

Cyrus' eyes didn't leave the portal. "Four years. I've been watching her for four whole years.

"Why?" Luciano asked.

No one dared to comment on the King's words. Well no one except Blanca of course.

"And why do you care?" She asked him.

Cyrus glanced at Luciano for a second before returning his gaze to the portal. "Because I still love her. My love for her still hasn't changed. And," he sighed, "I made myself a promise. I will never stop looking after and protecting her while she is wearing my ring. The day she removes it will be the day I stop."

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