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I fluffed up my hair and left the house just as he did. I grinned when I saw his face and waited for him to meet me on the sidewalk outside my house. Cyrus and I had become pretty close friends. After the day he had literally carried me to his room and let me cry in his arms, I started hanging out with him every day. Sometimes we’d chill later on in the day after he went to the M.S.G.A centre and other days early in the morning.

It had been two weeks since we had become friends and I had just begun to actually trust him. It took ages to feel safe whenever I walked to his house. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me and the fact that he hadn’t done anything rash after I told him about Ford proved that he was a cool guy but I was still wary of him. He was a guy after all and that incident two months ago had made me doubt every guy I met afterwards.

 I had a feeling Cyrus liked me more than friends but I wasn’t ready to take that leap with him. He was just here for the summer and there was always the risk of him betraying me. He wasn’t anything like Ford, or anyone I had ever met for that matter, but allowing myself to feel anything for him would be like giving him a weapon to break my heart with.

I hadn’t gone back to M.S.G.A even though I had signed up my name on that form. I didn’t feel like I needed it. Cyrus was all I needed: he listened to everything I had to say and he made me feel safe.

“Ready?” he asked as soon as he reached me.

“Yeah. Where are we going anyway?” I asked.

He put his arm around my shoulder and just chuckled lowly as we started our walk. His touch, like always, made me cringe inwardly but I didn’t shrug him off. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me and although every time he touched me I wanted to move away from him, I slightly enjoyed it.

It felt warm. No seriously, the guy's body temperature was warmer than any human being I had ever met.

“You will just have to wait and find out.” he answered.

We walked for a few minutes, talking about absolutely nothing and ignoring the looks of some of the other people in my neighbourhood. I hardly ever left the house so I didn’t know any of them. All I knew about them was that most of them were criminals and drug dealers.

Andres taught me to never go out alone without a guy to defend me or else I’d be robbed. Thankfully, I had never actually come to harm around my home except for The Incident.

“Where are we going, Cy? Please tell me. I’m about to die from anticipation!”

He chuckled lowly and just ignored me as we carried on walking. Eventually, I recognised the surrounding buildings and the direction we were headed in was strangely familiar.

“Hey are we going to-”

“Yes, yes we are going to the arcade.” He answered.

“What? Oh my gosh! Are you serious? Let’s hurry up then! You are sooo slow.” I giggled and grabbed his hand.

“Oh trust me, I could’ve gotten there ages ago if it weren’t for you slowing me down.” He answered, rolling his eyes at my comment.

I gasped loudly. “Cyrus are you calling me slow?”

He ignored me and kept walking.

“Cyrus!” I yelled but he continued to ignore me with this smile on his face.

I gave up trying to get him to talk to me and we spent the next few minutes walking in a comfortable silence. We arrived at the large building about ten minutes later and we were about to go in when a familiar voice called at us.

“Cyrus? Camila!”

I stopped and turned to see Harry climbing out of a sleek, black car. I beamed at him. I hadn’t seen him since that day I went to M.S.G.A and I guess I thought I’d never see him again. His curls bounced as he made his way towards the two of us. I inwardly rolled my eyes when I heard Cyrus let out a sigh from behind me.

“Harry, what are you doing here?” I asked him.

He gave me a charming smile and gestured back to his car. “Well I was about to go to the beach for some peace and quiet and I just so happened to see you two crossing the street. And what are you two doing here?” he asked, glancing at Cyrus.

“Well as you can see, we were about to enter the arcade.” Cyrus replied rudely.

I rolled my eyes and smiled apologetically at Harry. “Yeah. Were you planning on meeting anyone on the beach?” I asked.

“No, I just needed some alone time.” He said, scratching the back of his head.

He looked nervous and just a little shy. It was adorable to say the least.

What was wrong with me? I barely knew the guy and here I was practically fantasizing about him.

“Well, if you don’t mind changing your plans, maybe you could join us?” I asked.

His eyes widened in surprise at my invitation and he was about to say something when Cyrus interrupted him.

“Cam, didn’t you hear? The guy wants to be alone.”

Harry nodded. “Yeah, uhm, yeah. Cyrus is right. I-”

“C’mon, please? It’ll be fun. Don’t listen to Cyrus, he’s an idiot.” I insisted.

“Uhm, well I was looking forward to swimming-”

“I’ll go with you afterwards.” I interjected, surprising even myself.

Since when did I, Camila “Anti-social” Ortega, offer to go to the beach alone with a guy? Not just any guy, mind you: a really cute guy.

He smiled widely, rewarding me with the most adorable dimples.


“What about me?” Cyrus whined.

“You can go home.” Harry and I replied simultaneously.

Our eyes met and a second later, we were laughing.

“Well this is going to be fun.” Cyrus muttered sarcastically and stomped into the building.

Harry grabbed the door before it shut and held it open for me.

“Ladies first,” he said.

I grinned and nodded in appreciation before walking into the noise-filled building.

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