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“And then we went home and-”

“Cyrus!” a shrill voice interrupted me.

I turned away from my group of friends and looked back to see who had called me.

Oh no, it’s her, I thought.

“What?” I asked the approaching figure, not bothering to hide my annoyance.

Gemma, the most annoying Trerry girl in the universe, rolled her eyes at me and sighed.

“Your sister is calling you.” She said.

The guys behind me snickered but I ignored them and folded my arms at Gemma.

“Then why didn’t she just come get me herself instead of sending you?”

“Why don’t you ask her yourself? Believe it or not, Mr Strauss, I have better things to do than go looking for you throughout the entire kingdom.”

I opened my mouth to respond but she whipped her long blonde hair in my face and flew off in the direction of the Palace. I sighed heavily and, after saying a hasty goodbye to my friends, went after her.

The journey was pretty short: a few minutes at the most but it exhausted me. I hadn’t been training much after the big War that had ended just a couple of months ago. My sister had the grace to let me off training for a while after I informed her of my wing injury which may or may not be real.

Yes, I faked being hurt to avoid exercise. Don’t act as if you haven’t ever done it before.

I arrived at the Palace entrance a good five minutes after Gemma and was greeted by a giant Trerry guard. He gave me a stiff nod as I flew through the large doors and off I went looking for the Queen. My sister was always hanging with her.

I didn’t have to look long because I heard the sound of laughter coming from a room on the second floor. As I had expected, when I walked into the room, the Queen and her Cupella were seated on huge thrones that dwarfed their bodies. The two biggest thrones were built against the wall and the rest were placed in a circle around them.

Some of the thrones were empty because the couples literally couldn't keep their hands off each other.

I mentally rolled my eyes. Love was so annoying sometimes.

 “Cyrus, why didn’t you knock?” Belle yelled at me.

I glanced at her snuggled in Wes’ arms and grinned widely. “Sorry, it slipped my mind.”

I turned to the Queen and her King who were also in a very…tight embrace. “Your highnesses.” I bowed lowly at them.

I never usually do this (in fact no one did) so it was more just me being extra than anything else.

Blanca chuckled and Luciano nodded stiffly in response. I greeted Siobhan and Brandon too before asking why I had been summoned.

Belle rolled her eyes at me and jumped out of her husband’s arms.

“Where’s Gemma?” she asked.

“I dunno. She called me then flew here ahead of me.” I shrugged.

“Urgh, that girl has got to get her feelings under control.” Siobhan whispered in Brandon’s ear, who chuckled in response.

I didn’t bother acting as if I hadn’t heard them because I’m sure they wanted me to know. The truth is, I already knew that Gemma Sky had a thing for me. Everyone on the planet knew it. My friends teased me about it too but I didn’t care. I didn’t like her, not even a little bit. In fact, I was more willing to pluck every feather of my wings than to date her... She was a freaking nightmare and no matter what everyone else thought, I wasn’t going to catch feelings for her anytime soon.

“I already told her anyway so it’s fine. Cyrus, you’re off on a mission on Earth in a couple of hours.” Belle replied, ignoring Vonnie’s comment and handing me a bright red folder that I hadn’t noticed in her hand before.

I opened it and whistled at the picture on the first page. She was hot. Like extremely hot.

Belle ignored that too and proceeded to brief me. “She’s 19, suffers from Depression and is in a very unstable situation. I’ve been keeping an eye on her and I think you’ll be the right person for her. The rest of the information is there.” She said and hopped back on Wes’ lap.

“She’s half human, half Cupid?” I asked as I quickly read over the contents of the file.

“Yes. Her mom cheated on her husband with some guy named Camilo. Turns out he was a Cupid and he died in the Dark War.” Belle answered.

I frowned. “But why me, though? This chick suffers from freaking Depression! I wouldn’t know what to do if she tried to kill herself or someone else in the process! Can’t you send someone else?”

"Hey! Not all people who are depressed are suicidal. Being depressed isn't voluntary, it happens when human souls are incapable of handling a situation or multiple cases of disappointment, heartbreak and abandonment." Vonnie defended.

I shrugged but (don't you dare mention this to my friends) I felt guilty.

"She is not suicidal or anything so don’t worry about that and besides, you’re not going alone.” Wes commented.

Relief washed over me before I noticed the glint of humour in Vonnie’s eyes.

“No. No. No. Not her. I’ll go alone if that’s what it takes but please don’t send me off with her.” I went onto my knees dramatically and pleaded.

Belle smiled sweetly at me. “Ncaaw, sorry little bro. You have to go with her. It’s your punishment for trying to fool me into thinking you damaged your wing.”

“How did you know? Way-wait don’t answer that. Look, I’m sorry, ok? I’ll even do double the training for the rest of my existence. Just don’t make me go with her.” I pleaded.

Brandon’s face lit up. “Really? We need more recruits for the-”

“No, no, my decision is final, Cyrus. Now get up and go get ready. Gemma will meet you at the bridge before you leave.” Belle said coolly.

I sighed and dragged myself off the floor and out the door.

Just as I was closing the door, Blanca’s voice wafted through the air.

I paused and strained my ears to hear what was being said.

“– have to go with her?” Blanca asked.

“Yes… She’s important…”

“How could it be possible?”

“I don’t know but Camila is very dan-”

“What are you doing?” a sharp voice snapped behind me.

I straightened abruptly and gulped at the stern face looking up at me. It was Prince Barry. Odd, I hadn’t seen him with the rest of the Cupella.

“Nothing. Just visiting my sister.” I smiled at him awkwardly and flew off before he could question me further.

I felt his eyes on me as I flew out the Palace. I hardly noticed though, as I went over what I’d just heard and tried to figure it all out.

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