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"Home Sweet Home."

I walked into my house as Hunter closed the door behind me.

It had been a week since the accident and the doctor had finally allowed me to go back home.

I didn't like hospitals. Mostly because they smelled funny and it always sucked seeing other people get visited by loads of people while I sat in my bed alone.

A couple of people had visited me though: Hunter (obviously), Coco and Brax, Jordan and his new girlfriend Jessie, and a few other people from the M.S.G.A meetings.

I plonked myself onto the couch. I winced at the pain coming from my left arm.

"How long till the cast comes off?" Hunter asked, noticing me clutching at it.

"I dunno. I forgot. It just sucks 'cause now I can't do anything." I sighed.

I was left handed and the cast made using my hand impossible so I was forced to use my useless right hand.

"Oh stop being so dramatic. That's my job. I'm hungry, want anything?" He asked as he went to the kitchen.

"Hunter, you literally just got into my house and already you want to empty my fridge!" I said while getting up.

"You hardly ever eat anything: which is why you're so skinny. I'm doing you a favour: wouldn't want such good food going to waste." He said from behind the fridge door.

I sighed. I was tired and didn't feel like arguing.

"Fine, feed yourself. I'm going to bed." I told him.

"Yeah sure."

I left the kitchen and headed for my room.

The bed was still unmade from that morning that I'd been hit. I sighed as I remembered why I'd left it like that.

I'd been rushing to get to Camila's house to drop off her gift then before fetching Hunter and going to M.S.G.A.

I fished my phone out of my jean pocket and clicked on the contacts icon.

Lala Bear⚡❤

I almost clicked on it and called her but my finger just hovered over the screen.

I wanted to. I really did but I just couldn't.

I threw the phone onto the bed and collapsed unto the pillows.

I was about to sleep when I heard the voice.

"Uh hello? Harry are you there?"

I glanced at my phone and realised that I'd called her by mistake.

"Oh Camila! Hey! How are you doing?" I answered, hoping she couldn't tell how awkward I felt.

"I'm ok and you? Did they discharge you already?" She asked.

I nodded then remembered that she couldn't see me.

Urgh, get a grip Harry!

"Uhm yeah, just a while ago. I'm home now." I replied.

"Oh that's great!" She said.

I could almost see her smiling. I realized that I'd missed her voice. I'd missed her smile as well.

"Hey, Camila are you busy?" I asked suddenly.

"Nope. Well not really. I'm just walking home from baking classes."

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