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I was watching T.V when it happened. Project Runway was playing on the screen and I remember a model in a flowy blue dress walking down the runway.

My phone started ringing. I hastily wiped my fingers on my pants and answered the call from an unknown number.

"Hello. Who is this?" I asked through a mouthful of cheesy Doritos.

"Camila! It's Hunter! You've got to get here now! Harry's in trouble!"

My eyes widened. "What?! Where are you? What's happening?"

"I'm at the hospital. Harry was in a car accident and he's in really bad shape." He replied.

My heart stopped beating for what seemed like hours as the news washed over me. I couldn't believe it. I didn't understand. How? Why? When?

"Camila? Camila! Are you there?"

"Which hospital?" I managed to ask.

"Miami Regional. Please, hurry. He needs you."

And with that, Hunter hung up. As if the loud beep of the call ending jump-started my heart, I suddenly shot up and ran up the stairs.

Harry needed me. He was in trouble. He was hurt. That was all I could think of as I grabbed the car keys and drove as fast as I could to the hospital.

Thankfully Drey hadn't taken the car that morning because the other option would've been for me to run all the way there.

I hastily parked the car and rushed inside the building. Almost as soon as my feet hit the spotless tiles, I heard someone call my name.


I turned around and found Hunter heading towards me.

"Hunter, is he alright? Hunter, tell me. Don't just look at me, for chris' sake just tell me."

He looked at me with tear-streaked eyes and enveloped me in a hug.

"Camila." He whispered.

Eventually the two of us broke out into sobs as we held each other. Someone we both loved was in danger and although we had our differences, that common pain brought us together.


"Where was Cyrus?" Mel asked.

It was the day after Harry had been in a car accident and I was in a bus with Andres and his whole crew. We were on our way to some place for their dance competition and as the bus made its slow journey there, I told my friend about everything that had happened the day before.

"I don't know. He hasn't been picking up his phone since yesterday. I felt so...abandoned. Yesterday I called him so many times but he didn't bother answering." I replied, fighting with the tears.

I'd cried too much already and at that moment, I didn't want to waste my tears on a liar like Cyrus.

"Something must be wrong. After everything you've told me about him, I'd doubt he'd just drop you like that. He got you the most beatiful promise ring ever! Why would he break his promise one day after making it?" Melissa asked.

I sighed and glanced down at the tiny crown on my right hand.

"I don't know. All I know is that when I needed him, he wasn't there. I'm so angry at him. He disappointed me and just...left me."

"Then why are you still wearing the ring? You know deep down that something is wrong and that he'd never abandon you." Melissa said and took a sip of her Coke.

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