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I couldn’t believe my luck. I had been hoping to see this mysterious beauty ever since she showed up at the M.S.G.A session. She hadn’t shown up to the one-on-one sessions and it disappointed me. For two Wednesday nights in a row I got ready and even put on some of that expensive cologne that Hunter had gotten me just to be stood up.

It drove me crazy. I wanted so badly to just see her again, so I’d know that I hadn’t just imagined her and that she was in fact real. Hunter’s words haunted me for two whole weeks: maybe I had scared her off. Maybe she wanted nothing to do with me and that’s why she hadn’t showed up.

When I’d seen her and Cyrus crossing the street, I just had to go out and greet them. When she invited me to spend the day with the two of them, I wasn’t completely sure because Cyrus was giving me death glares but as soon as she offered to come to the beach with me, I rapidly agreed.

I don’t even know why I was so eager to show her my favourite spot. Usually I went alone because I preferred being by myself. When we walked into the arcade, Cyrus completely vanished. I can’t say that I wasn’t pleased because I was. As soon as he left, I could breathe a little easier and actually enjoy my time with her.

“So what do you wanna do first?” she asked as soon as we got our tokens.

“Definitely Hell on Wheels.” I answered.

She rolled her eyes. “I should’ve guessed. You look like the car-obsessed type.”

“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Oh nothing at all really. While you go drive a virtual car, I’ll go to that one.”

She pointed to one of the dance battle games. “You dance?”

“No. I just want to watch people who think they can dance.”

I laughed. “Too bad you don’t dance then. I was about to challenge you to a battle.”

Did I just say that? What has come over me! I thought.

Her eyes widened. “Ohh no. Nooo. Nope. I don’t dance...especially not in public. Look at all these people!” 

“I see them. Why do you care what they think anyway? Look at that kid over there. He dances like a crippled frog but he’s having fun.” I replied.

She laughed when she saw the boy I was talking about. “Yeah but still.”

“Let’s do this: if you win the battle, I have to get you whatever you want at the counter, regardless of how many tickets it costs. If I win, you play a game of Hell on Wheels with me.”

She turned to me and gave me a challenging look. “Anything at the counter?”

“Anything.” I promised.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Harry the love-struck idiot. It’s as if my mouth just started vomiting words before consulting my brain. I would never, ever in my life dance in front of a crowd but there I was convincing Camila to do just that. What was wrong with me?

“Deal.” She smiled widely at me and rushed off to an empty game.

My idiot brain finally registered exactly what I had gotten myself into and I almost panicked.

“C’mon, wimp!” Camila yelled at me.

I took a deep breath to calm my racing heart and made my way to the little dance floor next to her. We each inserted a token into the slot and the game began. Let’s just say it was terrible. I probably embarrassed myself in front of the crowd that started forming around us.

I couldn’t have looked like a complete idiot though because the girls in the crowd were cheering me on. They were laughing too, but at least they were cheering. Camila was a pretty good dancer and she destroyed me.

Game over. Player 1 wins! The machine droned out.

I bent over to try and catch my breath while Camila enjoyed her victory by yelling and chanting “I beat you!”

I finally stopped panting and could stand up straight.

“I won! Now, what do I want? Come you.”

She grabbed my hand and led me to the front counter. Behind the bored-looking guy sat rows and rows of different toys and other pink, bright things.

“I know I said anything but-” I started.

“Shut up! Ok, I know what I want. There.”

I squinted my eyes in the direction she was pointing at.

“Is that a Powerpuff Girl hairclip?” I asked.

“You know what the Powerpuff Girls are?” she asked me with her eyebrows raised.

“Uhm, uh...yes. I admit it, I watch it. I like cartoons so, yeah.” I muttered and scratched the back of my head, something I did when I was nervous or uncomfortable.

She stood there staring at me with her mouth open for a few seconds before letting out an excited squeal. “Really?! I love watching The Powerpuff Girls too! Sorry for staring, I just couldn’t believe it. I didn’t think there were many people, much less guys, my age who still watch cartoons.”

I laughed awkwardly and shrugged. “Yeah. So you want the hairclip? I expected you to go for that gigantic bear up there.”

“What? Oh no, I can’t get that. It’s too difficult to hide. If my brother saw it, he’d be on my case forever.”


“You have no idea.”

“Ok sure. If that’s what you want then cool.” I fished out my wallet and took out a plastic card near the back.

I handed the card to the guy behind the counter and looked down to see Camila staring at me again.

“What now?” I chuckled.

“You have an unlimited arcade card?” she breathed.

I shrugged. “Well yeah. You can get pretty much the whole set of toys if you wanted. I got it by luck. You can have it if you want, I don’t really use it.” I said, handing her the card.

She stared at it and looked up at me with the biggest smile on her face.

“Thanks Harry.” She literally jumped on me and gave me a suffocating hug.

I chuckled into her thick mane of hair and waited till she let me go. “It’s just a card and it’s my pleasure.”

She laughed and stuffed the card in her jean pocket.

“Here, lemme put that on you.” I said and took the little clip out of her hand.

I took her fringe and put it to one side of her forehead then clipped it back. I noticed how big her eyes looked without her bangs in her eyes. Those beautiful, brown eyes held me in place for what seemed like ages. I tried looking away but it was as if we had both been put under a spell. I gave her a smile and looked away before I could give into the urge to touch her face.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and tried my absolute best to try and calm my racing heartbeat. If I hadn’t been sure before, now I was absolutely positive. I really liked Camila. Probably more than I should've.


😁Hey guys, you good? Please vote and comment if you liked it! Also, that arcade card thing was sorta made up. I don't know whether it exists or not but just in case it doesn't, you first heard about it here😁

Hope you guys are enjoying your day


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