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Home. I knew that I was back home. I could just feel it. The air felt lighter.

The pollution and corruption that plagued the atmosphere on Earth no longer affected my breathing. I could breathe properly.

I couldn't see anything though. Or move and speak for that matter.

I forced my eyelids open and saw a thatched roof. I knew immediately where I was.

"He's awake." I heard.

With some difficulty, I turned to my side and found my sister and the rest of the Cupella sitting in the corner.

I was in the Hospital Quarters. But there were no other patients around.

"What happened?" I asked.

I felt no pain at all and I wasn't sure how I'd ended up there in the first place. Judging from the look of fury on everyone's faces however, I figured it had been something really bad.

"You little...!" My sister swore rapidly in ancient Cupid language that even I could barely understand.

I made out the words: "idiot", "bastard", "selfish", "stubborn", "disobedient" and "asshole".

"Babe, calm down." My sister's husband said, trying to calm her.

"Don't touch me Wes! This little shit here nearly got all of us in trouble! He didn't listen to me and he got involved with a freaking human!" She screeched.

"Yes, but he doesn't remember. The medicine gave him temporary amnesia so don't waste your breath shouting at him when he doesn't even know what he did wrong." Siobhan replied.

"I think we should just up the dosage and make him forget everything forever." Brandon replied while staring at me.

"Perfect. And as extra punishment, he could train the baby Didracons." King Luciano said.

"What? Those things are dangerous!" Siobhan screeched.

"Exactly." Brandon and the king said in unison.

I watched in horror as they casually discussed possible punishments for whatever it was that I'd done.

"But I didn't do anything!" I tried defending myself.

Queen Blanca had been quiet throughout the whole discussion. She'd been staring at me with the best poker face I'd ever seen.

"No." She said.

Everyone, including the king, shut up after she spoke. It was almost comical how everyone obeyed her.

She stood up from her seat and came to me. I hastily got up and stood in front of her.

"You don't remember what you did?" She asked me.

"No, I don't." I answered.

"So you won't mind if you never have to see Camila Ortega again?"

Suddenly as if her name had been an invisible switch, it all came back to me. All the memories from first seeing her and feeling the need to protect her to the stabbing.

I let out a painful gasp. Not because the memory of the injury was still clear in my mind but because I realised what was happening.

"Camila! I have to go back! There's a Trerry after her! She's in danger!" I said frantically.

"What?" Queen Blanca asked, looking at me in confusion.

"The Trerry that attacked me! He's going to kill Camila! You've got to let me go see her!" I hastily explained to her, hoping she'd let me go.

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