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I remember a thick darkness: a soundless, suffocating darkness.

I lifted my hand up in front of my face but I couldn't see it. I was positive that I'd moved my hand because I felt it move, I just hadn't seen it.

I was very confused. Where was I? And what was I doing there?

Then, I heard a voice. A tiny one that seemed to be coming from somewhere in the darkness around me.

"Camila?" The voice called out.

I tried speaking but it seemed as if my voice disappeared into the darkness.

I felt my lips shaping the words, I felt them leave my mouth but I didn't hear them.

The only thing I could hear was the hollow voice urgently calling out my name.

The voice was getting closer. I realised it was a man's voice.

I looked around again, searching for the owner of the voice but still my eyes only saw darkness.

Then, the voice suddenly seemed extremely close. As if the man to whom the voice belonged to was standing right beside me.

"Camila! Save me!" He urgently yelled.

The sheer panic in his loud voice left a buzzing in my ears and a chill in my bones.

"Camila! Where are you?!"

I tried screaming or shouting or anything but I still couldn't hear myself. If I couldn't hear myself how would he hear me?

And why was he so panicked? Couldn't he see me?

I tried reaching out towards his voice: towards the direction I was pretty sure he was in but I felt nothing except air.

Hot, dense air.

Then he screamed. It was a horrific sound filled with the deepest pain imaginable.

My eyes widened in alarm. He was hurt! I had to help him! He needed me!

I ran.

I ran as fast as I could in the sticky tar-like darkness. I didn't care that I was blind to my surroundings or that I couldn't speak—I just had to get to him.

I ran like I have never run before in my life. I felt no physical pain as I pushed myself to my limit. I ran and ran but still, his voice sounded no closer than it had been before.

Then suddenly a terrible pain grabbed my entire being. I felt myself double over in pain.

I barely registered the chilling cold of the floor beneath me as my insides churned and twisted.

The pain was tremendous: it felt as if someone was ripping my heart to shreds.

I couldn't breathe properly. I felt the darkness around me suck out the air from me while refusing to offer me some more in return.

His voice slowly disappeared as if he was getting too tired and too weak to call out for help.

I shut my eyes against the darkness, refusing to take my last breath with my eyes open.

Harry, I thought.

Where are you?

"Camila!" He replied.

His voice was just a whisper in my ears.


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