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“Cyrus! What happened?” Belle rushed towards me as soon as my feet landed on Curey soil.

“Please make sure she’s alive.” I said to the Cupid carrying her in his arms.

Belle gazed at Camila with a worried look before calling Siobhan.

Vonnie appeared and took Camila and the Cupid before flying off.

“What happened?” Belle asked me again.

“I don’t know. At first, I didn’t realise that she was missing. When I found out, I looked everywhere for her and I was losing my mind. I eventually found her in the woods but the spell was almost complete.”

“What spell?” she asked while looking at me incredulously.

“I don’t know! You’re supposed to know everything, right? You’re one of the Cupella and Vonnie’s a Healer. I came here so you can fix her. Just save her life. Please. Please save her for me. I'll never forgive myself if something happens to her.” I begged.

If she was even just a little bit hurt, I would hate myself for the rest of my existence. I was supposed to protect her. Even Harry had done a better job than me and he was now dead.

“Cyrus. Listen to me. I need you to tell me everything you know because Camila’s fate depends on it. If that spell was completed, then Camila isn’t who she was anymore. She’s now a bloodthirsty monster with no soul or memories.” Belle replied.

“The spell was only halfway complete. The Trerry who was doing it looked a bit sick so there is no way he could’ve finished the spell.” I replied, pacing back and forth.

"Did you see a circle anywhere by any chance?" She asked.

I closed my eyes and tried to remember. Bits and pieces of my memory flashed back and forth.

I saw it: the tree that she had been tied to. It had a large circle drawn around it.

"I saw a circle around her but I can't tell if it was completed or not." I answered.

She sighed and gave me a sad look. "He didn’t have to complete the spell. As long as he had drawn the circle around her, then she’s gone. I’m sorry Cyrus.”

“No! No! She is not gone! She was not evil when I saved her. Heartbroken, yeah but definitely not evil. She just can’t be!"

I pulled at my hair, trying to calm my frantic heart. Camila’s body was ice cold but her eyes weren’t. The moment I had saved her, she looked up at me with those beautiful eyes. There was no way that she could be evil.

No evil person could've mourned the death of the person she loved like she had.

“We’ll just have to wait and see. I’m sorry little bro but if she was turned, then we’ll have to kill her. She’s a threat to all of us.”

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