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There was no way that I would ever be able to show my face in that stupid school again. Not after what those two snakes did to me. As I drove home in my brother’s car, I couldn’t decide whether I was angry, hurt or completely devastated. The whole day had been messed up and emotionally draining. What I really needed was sleep. And lots of it.

My feet dragged my body up the stairs to my room. I just wanted to be alone with my feelings for a while: I wanted to drown all my sorrows. I probably would have spent the rest of the day crying into my pillow if it wasn’t for my idiot brother.

“Cami!” he yelled at me above the loud music he was always playing.

I winced. I could already feel the migraine brewing at my temples and the noise wasn’t making it any better. I quickly walked past his room, hoping to avoid him but he spotted me and came running out.

Oh, Lord no.

“Cami wassup?” he asked with a huge grin on his face.

I ignored him and carried on walking down the hallway.

“Geez. What did I do?” he asked.

“Andres leave me alone! I already have a splitting headache without you putting your music on loud and yelling at me!” I turned sharply and screamed at him.

The screaming only succeeded in making my head throb more.

I groaned and slowly made my way to my room.

The loud hip-hop music suddenly stopped and before I knew it, Andres was at my side.

I ignored his worried look and opened my door. The idiot followed me in and before I could kick him out, he sat on the bed with his arms folded.

“Was it that bastard?” he asked, his voice barely masking his fury.

“What the hell are you on about now? I just had a bad day and no, this has nothing to do with Ford. Can I be alone now?” I shut my eyes and sighed.

He didn’t believe me, I could tell but I wasn’t bothered. I was too hurt, too tired, too freaking broken to care.

I opened my eyes and watched as he got up from the bed and looked me straight in the eye. “I don’t believe you but since I can see that you need some space, I’ll let you off the hook.”

He gave me one last lingering look and walked out, shutting the door softly behind him.

I turned and, without bothering to undress, collapsed onto the bed in the middle of my room and gave into the tears that I had been holding back for the last couple of hours. The hot, burning tears rolled down my cheeks, doing nothing to get rid of the betrayal inside but soothing it for a moment.

The Darkness found me, like it always does, and this time I welcomed it. It grabbed me with its claws and sucked me into a painless oblivion.


From the moment I drove into the parking lot that morning I knew something was wrong: Ford wasn’t there to greet me by my favourite spot like he always insisted on doing. As I got out of Andres' car, I looked for his tall, blonde-haired figure. After a while I spotted him—with Gabby.

Weird, I thought, considering Gabby can’t stand him.

As I walked towards them in my painful heels I saw a flicker of emotion in both their eyes. I reached out to Ford to kiss him hello but he turned at the last minute and my lips met his cheek instead. Feeling a little silly, I turned to my best friend and gave her a real smile: one that only she, Ford and my brother could bring out of me.

‘Hey Gabbie. Wassup. I thought you hated car-name’s guts.’ I nudged Ford a little in the elbow but he didn’t chuckle like he normally would have. Ok now I was officially freaking out.

‘You are scaring me. What’s going on?’

Ford looked at me and a look of apology crossed his face. ‘Camila there’s something I need to tell you.’

Gabbie cleared her throat but I didn’t notice at first because Ford hadn’t called me by my embarrassing nickname: Poodle. ‘Oh sorry, we need to tell you something.’ He gestured between himself and Gabbie.

‘Gabbie what’s going on?’ I asked her because Ford had always been good at stalling.

Gabbie looked me in the eye and I saw not a hint of guilt in them when she said: ‘Ford and I have been going out for a couple of weeks and we couldn’t stand the guilt anymore so we decided that Ford is breaking up with you. Now.’

At first my mind didn’t register what she had stated clearly enough for a crowd to form around us. Ford looked uncomfortable as people started whispering to each other: one guy even had the guts to pull out his phone and take a video of my public embarrassment. Gabby tried to make them go away but she only succeeded in making the crowd bigger.

A tornado of emotions, led by anger brewed in my gut as I stared at them. Before any of us knew what I was doing, I landed a punch right in the middle of Ford’s face.

“Oh my gosh! You animal! Get away from him!” Gabbie yelled at me, coming to her boyfriend’s rescue.

“Bitch this is not over. Cami got a whole lottta more where that came from.” I stared daggers at her.

She just shook her head and grabbed Ford who was trying to find tissue for his bleeding nose.

“This is the reason you hardly have any friends. I’m surprised Ford stuck with you as long as he did. Now move out of my way.”

She shoved me and stomped to the main building, a smirking Ford in tow.

“Urgh!” I yelled at the crowd around me and followed suit.

I couldn’t deny the fact that her words stung and that somewhere underneath the facade I was putting on, I ached for the shelter of my room. I wanted the stares to stop, I wanted to shut out the whispers, I wanted to be left alone to let all the tears rush out but I couldn’t. Not just yet.

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