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Keagan in media


"Andres I'm leaving!" I yelled before going down the stairs.

It was Tuesday morning and I was off to my bakery classes. I shoved my phone and a few dollar bills into my pockets before walking out of the house.

I wasn't stupid enough to carry a purse around, especially around our neighbourhood. I couldn't take the car either because Drey needed it to get to the studio.

I whistled a little tune to myself as I made my way down the street. The day before, I had taken Cyrus with me but because I always got emotional and confused around him, I'd decided to go alone.

Cyrus was a mystery to me. He was good looking and charismatic and just plain fun. But I didn't think that his feelings for me were sincere enough.

Maybe I was just being oversensitive and insecure but I didn't believe that someone like him could love me.

He was a Cupid after all. He had magical powers and had the strength to kill me if he wanted to and with that beautiful smile of his, he could get any Cupid girl he wanted.

So why would he settle for me? I was a measly human and I still doubted that I was half Cupid.

Besides that fact, he barely knew me and therefore could not possibly hold such strong emotions for me.

Then there was Harry. Harry. Every time I thought of him, a smile crept onto my face. Harry was everything I never knew I needed.

He was kind, understanding, caring and when I was with him, I felt all my troubles melt away.

I was so close to admitting my true feelings for him but I couldn't. Saying it out loud made it that much more real and I was scared that by saying it, I'd ruin whatever relationship we already had going.

As I turned the corner, I heard a loud clicking sound. As if someone had just snapped a picture.

I looked around but there was no one walking around that early. Paranoia crept into my bones, making the hairs on my arms stand on end.

I took a deep breath to try and calm myself down. I had probably imagined it. Who would follow me around anyway?

Just ignore it. I told myself.

Although I didn't think much of the camera sounds, I still sped up and literally ran to the Baking school.

I ripped open the door of the building and was about to run down the hallway when I collided with someone.

"Shit! I'm so sorry!" I quickly muttered an apology.

"Oh no. Uhm, I wasn't paying much attention to where I was going either." The person replied.

I scrunched up my face as I looked up at him. He looked familiar.

"Hey, I know you! You won Best Bake yesterday!" He smiled in recognition.

"Uhm. Yeah I did. You look familiar but I can't seem to remember where I know you from." I replied.

"You probably saw me yesterday. I'm Keagan and I was working in the station next to yours." He said, giving me his hand.

"Oh! That explains it. I'm Camila." I replied, taking his hand.

"It's great to meet you, Camila. And where's your partner? From yesterday."

"Oh, Cyrus. He's at home. He...couldn't make it today." I lied.

"And your partner?" I asked.

"She refused to come. Apparently she wanted to spend some more time with her dog. I swear she loves that thing more than me." He commented.

I laughed at his obvious annoyance. "Well I'm sorry about that."

"It's ok. She can be annoying sometimes but she's still my best friend." He said, giving me a sweet smile.

He was attractive, there was no denying that. His messy black hair almost covered one of his dark eyes and it looked as if his lips were forever in a permanent smile.

"You're pretty early for class. I was just on my way to the store to get something to eat while I wait. Wanna come with?" He asked.

I considered it for a moment. This guy was pretty much a stranger and here I was toying with the idea of climbing into his car and letting him drive me around a neighborhood I was barely familiar with but on the other hand, he seemed friendly and the prospect of sitting in an empty class for 30 minutes wasn't that exciting.

"Yeah, sure." I agreed.

He led me to one of the few cars in the parking lot and opened the door for me.

"Thank you." I said in surprise at the gesture.

It had been a while since anyone had held open a car door for me.

As I climbed into the car, I noticed something on the back seat that made my blood turn cold.

Keagan got in just as I realised what it was.

"Keagan, is that a ca-camera?" I asked him as calmly as I could.

He flashed me that same smile of his. "Yeah. I was just trying it out this morning. It's still new and - hey Camila, are you ok? You look-"

"I'm fine. I'm fine." I interrupted him and gave him a forced smile.

I was probably just overreacting. I barely knew this guy so it couldn't have been him who I'd thought was snapping pictures of me. It was probably all a coincidence anyway.

Keagan looked at me oddly but didn't say anything.

"Ok. Ready to go?"

I nodded stiffly. "Ready."

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