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“Where were you?” Andres asked as I walked into the house.

“I thought I saw someone but it was nothing.” I lied.

He took in my pyjamas and my bare feet and just nodded. I suddenly lost it.

“Are you kidding me? I ran out of the house in my pyjamas and I didn’t even put on any shoes! Doesn’t that seem just a little bit odd to you? It’s like you hardly care what I do anymore!” I yelled.

He put down his glass of juice and frowned at me. “But you told me that you wanted some space so that’s what I’m doing.”

“Andres it’s more than that! You know better than anyone else how it is feeling like no one cares about you. I’m literally crying for attention here and you don’t bother doing anything about it!"

“Cami, you’re frustrated. Listen to yourself. Just calm down and tell me what happened.” He said, his eyes searching mine.

I shook my head. “It’s too late now, Drey. I’ve been through so much pain for so long and you never noticed. It’s too late.”

“It’s too late for what, Cami? You’re scaring me. What happened.” He asked, walking closer to my shivering form.

“It’s too late to save me. You left me all alone and you didn’t save me. You were supposed to be my bodyguard. You were supposed to be my Superman.” I croaked, just as a tear fell down my cheek.

<<<14 years earlier>>>.

“Drey I’m scared.” I said, clinging to my brother’s shirt.

He stroked my wild hair and whispered in my ear so the guards wouldn’t hear us.

“Don’t worry, Cami. I’ll take care of you.”

“But you can’t. I want to go home.” I cried, the hot tears doing little to warm my freezing body.

“I know and I’m sorry. Daddy doesn’t want us anymore. I’m just gonna have to take care of you myself.”

“But how are you going to do that?” I cried.

“Don’t tell anyone but...I have superpowers.” He whispered, pinching my wet cheek.

My five-year old self shot up immediately. “Superpowers? Really?

Andres smiled back at me. “Yes. I have superpowers. I can get us a big house far away from here. Where daddy doesn’t beat us and where I can make loads of money to buy you all the tinkies you want.”

I giggled. He put his finger to his lips and brought me back to his chest.

“I promise I’ll take care of you, sis. Trust me.”

“Are you going to be my bodyguard now?” I asked, sounding out the big word I had heard him say before. 

He smiled. “No. I’m going to be your Superman.”


He stopped and gave me a look that broke my heart.

“I can’t rescue someone who doesn’t want to be rescued. I’ve tried countless times to help but you always push me away. How can you hate me for giving the space you asked me for in the first place?” he whispered.

I was shivering. I could hear his words; they made perfect sense but, I was still angry. I was angry at the world, at those men and myself and he was the only one who I could take out my anger on.

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