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“How was the wedding?”

I jumped and turned sharply to see Hunter randomly sitting in the dark on my living room couch.

“What are you still doing here? It’s 5 am!” I shrieked.

He just laughed at my fright and switched the lights on.

“I live half an hour away by car. Imagine how long it would be if I had to walk. Besides, I thought it would be fun to surprise you when you came back.”

“You scared me, that’s what you did. What did you wanna surprise me with anyway?”

“With me!” he smirked and turned the TV on.

I took a deep breath in and a long breath out so I wouldn’t go ape on him.

“You’re such an idiot.” I muttered as I made my way to the kitchen.

I was starving.

“You didn’t answer my question.” he said.

“What question?” I asked, popping a pizza into the oven.

“How was the wedding?”

“Oh it was great. Everything was so nice. Braxton married some girl named Coco who apparently has been his boss for a year.

Coco is the one that kind of convinced him to forgive me. She is pretty cool too, I like her. Thankfully, my other family members chose to be civil with me and other than the awkward tension, I had fun.”

“Did you finally meet a girl?”

I rolled my eyes and got out ingredients to make a small salad with. “No. How many times have I told you that I don’t need a girlfriend?”

“Enough times for me to know you’re lying. Dude, I have never, ever seen you flirt with a chick. Ever. It’s as if you’re allergic to romance or something. Many girls try to flirt with you and stuff but you are totally oblivious to it.”

“Ok now you’re just exaggerating. I am not oblivious; I just choose to ignore it.”

“But why?”

“Because I want something more than just a casual fling. I want someone I’ll actually care about and who will care about me. All the girls I’ve met don’t seem like that type.”

“Oh so you’re waiting for The One?” Hunter replied mockingly.

I paused. “Maybe.”

The air was silent for a moment as I finished off the salad and took the pizza out of the oven.

“Harry do you believe in soulmates? Do you believe that every soul that lives has got one true love?” Hunter asked as I gave him a plate of food.

I knew him well enough to know that he’d want some too. His question caught me off guard and I sensed a deep emotion in his words, I just couldn’t tell what it was. Was it disgust? Or envy? Or a combination of the two?

“I guess so. Now that I think about it, I think maybe soulmates actually do exist. That would explain why I never really felt right dating anyone. Maybe it’s because I’m still waiting for my soulmate.”

He scoffed. “Yeah right. What are the chances of you finding your true love in this big planet?”

“You’re right. I might never find her but I know she’s out there. She’s out there somewhere and she’s looking for me as much as I’m looking for her.”

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