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Harry’s birthday party was actually fun. There weren’t that many people which was amazing because I was not too good around strangers. I knew most of the people there like Hunter and some of the people from the M.S.G.A meetings and the others I was introduced to.

Harry didn’t have loads of friends. I think Hunter was his one best friend and the others were more acquaintances than friends but I actually liked that. It showed that the friends he had were real friends and not fake ones.

When it came time to open the gifts, Harry all but refused to do just that.

“But why? I can open them when I’m alone. Do I have to open them all now?” he whined.

“Oh shut up. I want to see what you got!” Hunter insisted.

“Yeah! And I want to make sure that you like what I got you!” Noah whined.

More people tried to convince him to open his gifts. Eventually someone noticed that I hadn’t said anything.

“Hey! Help us out here, Camila. He’ll do it if you ask him to.” Coco pleaded with me.

“Hey I already gave him his gift and he liked it so why should I force him to open the rest of his gifts if he doesn’t want to?” I shrugged.

“Thank you! See, Camila understands me. The rest of y’all hate me. It is decided: I shall not open the presents!” Harry yelled in triumph.

I just laughed as everyone else grumbled.

“Fine. Harry just open them. I’m also curious to see what everyone got you.” I told him.

He sighed. “Fine. Fine.”

We all got inside the house and into the living room. Everyone took the seats and by the time I’d gotten there, the only open seat was the one next to Harry. I knew someone had done that on purpose but I just wasn’t sure who so I let it go. Besides, it’s not as if I was complaining.

One by one, Harry opened his presents. It was a hilarious experience to be honest. It was almost as if we were at a 6-year-old’s birthday party with the way everyone aww-ed and ahh-ed when he got a nice gift.

I was teary-eyed by the time the last gift was open because the whole thing was heart-warming. Harry’s face as he opened all his gifts was full of surprise and genuine appreciation. He was surrounded by people who loved him despite everything and he loved them as well.

I felt like I was almost intruding on an important family celebration or something but every time he glanced at me with amused eyes, I felt like a part of it. That feeling of feeling like I belonged, like I was at home. I loved that feeling.

“Now let’s eat the cake!” Braxton roared as the last piece of wrapping paper was torn.

“I’ll get it!” Hunter volunteered, running off to the kitchen.

Harry’s eyes widened.

“Hunter! Don’t touch my cake!” he yelled after his friend.

“But we all want some.” Coco complained.

“Oh no. You guys can have the birthday cake. That’s fine but none of you can touch my other cake. The one Lala made for me.” Harry replied.

“Oooooh. Hunter bring the cake that Harry’s girlfriend made for him!” Braxton all but yelled.

I laughed at the commotion in the room.

“Hunter don’t you dare!” Harry yelled back, choosing not to correct Braxton’s mistake.

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