Chapter 16

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I was busy blocking Jason and Brooke from all of my social media accounts when I received a text from devil himself. Jason. Just as I was about to delete the text, I couldn't stop myself from reading the second one he sent. 'Sasha, it's not what you think, I'm not into Brooke'. The other one said 'Brooke is a liar, she just wants attention and to get back at you guys'. A part of me believed Jason, or maybe I just wanted to believe him? Either way, I immediately shut down any thoughts of doubt, and blocked his number. I felt so badly for Angel, her first real relationship ended so poorly. And the worst part was, Jason had seemed so nice and perfect for her. Of course, Brooke had to interfere and help him ruin their relationship. Brooke always seems to ruin things, especially the night where she got drunk. Guys end up going to her like she's a magnet, but they don't know how many hearts she breaks, until their next. Brooke was my best friend; she made me feel fearless and told me that nothing could bring us down. She would have us do the impossible, leaving the exciting nervous feeling of getting caught. When she gave you her attention, she made you feel important. However, if you were on her bad side, she had the power to make you feel totally worthless. She almost always took vengeance too far, ruining as many relationships and people as she could along the way, not caring who ended up hurt. "Okay, mission achieved", I declared after successfully blocking Jason and Brooke from all my social media accounts. "Thanks", Angel muttered as she wiped her eyes,"You didn't have to do that, I was the one you had a problem with them, not you." "Oh trust me, I had a problem with them too. Jason was an ass for cheating on my best friend, and recently Brooke has been treating me like shit", I insisted truthfully. "What did Brooke do to you?", Chantelle questioned as she slid through Angel's bedroom door. I immediately shot Angel a confused look and angrily exclaimed,"Why the hell is she here? She's still friends with them! She took their side!" Chantelle's expression changed into a frown and she looked over at me reluctantly. "Just hear her out", Angel said as she placed her hand on mine and turned towards Chantelle,"You guys just need to talk things out." "Chantelle turned to me, "I know what you did at Brooke's party you dirty ass bitch" she retorted in a low voice. Taken aback, I snapped, "what the hell are you talking about?! Don't you realize that Brooke is a twisted liar? She's just making her self look good by making herself the victim while in the meantime I was the skank who screwed with her". "I'm done with both of you, first of all I'm sick of Angel backing out and acting like a loser in front of Brooke and Britt, second you guys cause all of the drama", Chantelle response with a raised voice. Angel just looked up at Chantelle with a shocked expression on her face. "Well, I'm sorry you feel that way" Angel replied defensively, then stormed away. "Wow Chantelle, you were supposed to make this better, and look what you did!", I exclaimed. "At least I'm not the one who got drunk and then sabotaged Brooke and Britt in front of the whole popular upperclassmen. Have fun dealing with the Snapchat that we're apparently showing what you did", Chantelle snarled. "Fine, you'll see what those bastards are doing to you, they're just manipulating you into agreeing with them for their benefit!", I confessed with rage. I couldn't believe how my own best friend would turn me down the way she did. We had been friends for like forever, yet she chose to listen to Brooke and Brittney over me. Part of me felt as if she only chose their side, because she cared so much about popularity. If she had been on our side, they would have totally iced her out. "Whatever Sasha, you may think you're the shit, but you're not", Chantelle fumed with disgust. My friend's words hit me hard. The pure anger in her voice took me off guard. How was it that we went from best friends to enemies. And for what? Popularity? "Wow Chantelle, you really have changed", I retorted with a tang of disappointment in my voice. Chantelle remained silent before looking at me with an expression which was of both pain and anger. It was almost as if she wanted to tell me I was wrong, but knew that I was right. The old Chantelle would have listened to what I said, and she definitely would have believed me over someone like Brooke or Britt. But I guess people change. It was time for me to accept that the old Chantelle, the girl I had been best friends with for a long time, she had changed. She was gone now, and replaced by the bitter popular girl standing before me.


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