Chapter 20

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After getting home from work, I decided to check any messages I could've missed from Ashton. Surprisingly, he didn't respond to my texts, nor did he say anything previously. The only texts I currently see is the group chat which consisted of Sal and I. The other group chat is dead, with the people I don't bother speaking to at the moment. I recently texted Angel an apology with the shit Brooke and I have done to her in the past. I mean, Angel is kinda lame and would rather stay at home hosting it like we were back in 6th grade, but she's kind and still fun to be around. When I started to head upstairs to freshen up, I randomly obtained a text from Angel which read, 'I'm still upset, but let's forget about the past and move on. It's not worth fighting about pointless things and then losing friends who mean so much'. I smiled at how amazing Angel takes these situation. Anybody should be lucky to have a friend like her who forgives you in an instant. After thinking of what to say to Angel about my master plan, my dad and my step mother interrupted me with shouts coming from upstairs. After moving closer to the door, I already know what's going on. My mother, who I don't see often, is trying to allow my father to visit me since she was bailed out of jail a few months ago. She's finally gotten better from what heard, but my dad won't mention anything of her. She was a drug dealer after she had me, then left my dad to raise me on his own. My mother suffers from bipolar issues, which caused the events that lead to the bad motives that happened in the past. She even filed for custody, but my dad is fighting the battle in court 24/7. I quietly walked away and responded back to Angel saying, 'I totally agree Ang. Also, Sal and I have been planning to get back at Brooke for all the shit she's done to us. Let me know if you wanna be in on it'. I sent out the text, unsure of how Angel would respond. After all, Sal and I were clueless in what the plan is, but until then we'll figure it all out. We only had one thing in mind, and that plan was to somehow have everyone ditch her. I knew Angel had to be furious with Brooke for hooking up with Jason. He was special to her after all, he was her very first boyfriend. Besides, Brooke had done plenty of shitty things to Angel in the past. However, Angel was typically the kind and forgiving friend, not the type of girl to get revenge on someone. I was surprised when my phone buzzed and I read Angel's response. She said she was in, and wanted to know what we had in mind. I couldn't help but smile as I explained what we had planned so far. Sal and I had been trying to find the perfect way to get back at Brooke. She was a selfish, spoiled, and insecure rich bitch whose hobby was ruining her friends' lives. It was about time for her to have to suffer just as much as all the people she had hurt. After explaining much of what Sal and I had planned I added, 'One of the most important components of our plan is to turn everyone against her so that she will have no one to turn to. It's time to expose all the times that she has lied or caused trouble. Do you have any ideas of how we could do this?' While I waited for Angel respond, I could hear the loud booming of my parents yelling and what sounded like a dish shattering. I rolled my eyes and tried to shut them out. 'Sounds good. I actually do have an idea. At that one party that Sasha was kicked out of, Brooke said that Sasha was the one who was mean and started the fight. Do you remember that?' I read over Angel's text and I thought back to the night she was referring to. Although I was wasted from drinking so much that night, I still had a small memory of the fight between Sasha and Brooke. 'Yeah, I remember it. Why?', I asked wondering why it mattered. After only a short time, Angel had gotten back to me. 'Well, Brooke was actually the one who was mean to Sasha and started the fight. There is even a video of it. Some girl had taken it for snapchat and saved the video. We could release the video and expose Brooke for lying and treating Sasha like shit.' After recalling the night, everything just came together. Quickly responding, I said, 'omg Brooke was telling me about how Sasha was being a bitch who put her on the spot and started that whole fight'. I awaited for a response until Angel texted back, 'well we obviously know that isn't true, so Brooke's going to get a little surprise I call revenge'. I smiled as I responded right away, 'it's payback, bitch'.


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