Chapter 24

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After a whole ten minutes of Sal, Britt, and Angel giving me death glares as I entered the room, the silence broke when I finally spoke. "Guys, this is honestly really important for you all to hear. I know that what Brooke had done to all of you was horrible and I can't deny that, but what you guys are pulling off doesn't make it better". "Ok, so are you coming here to give us a fucking lecture Ms. Slade or are you just going to tell us what you're going to say" Sal sighed as she rolled her eyes. "You may think this is funny Sal, but it's not so funny when Brooke is suffering from the severity of her bulimic disorder" Roxy said matter of factly. Sal looked down, then over at Britt and Angel who then exchanged sympathetic looks. "Are you seriously trying to make us feel guilty?", Sal questioned angrily. Before I could answer her question, she retorted,"Brooke is a nasty slut! She was all heartbroken when she didn't get to have sex with Cody, and in return, she hooked up with her friends' boyfriends!" Somehow, even after all the things Sal had said and done, I was still surprised by what she had just said. "You're seriously blaming all of this on Brooke?", I cried out, my voice rising,"You're honestly acting just as bad as her! Maybe even worse!" Sal remained silent for a moment, her face bearing an expression of disbelief. While Sal seemed completely furious at me, Angel and Britt looked slightly ashamed. "Brooke is . . . bulimic?", Angel queried in a soft pitchy voice. The air was heavy, for it was full of an uncomfortable tension between the four of us. Everyone looked sympathetic all except for Salina, who was staring at the floor with a look that seemed she was thinking of the nastiest thing to say to what had just happened. "You're seriously buying that? Bulimia? That's all just a lie she created to excuse her shitty decisions and behavior!", Sal shouted with a look of contempt. "How twisted do you think she is?", I countered with a criticizing expression written across my face,"She can be a bitch, but she's not that messed up!" Sal let out a little laugh, in an attempt to mock me. I was about to respond when a serious voice interrupted me. "Fuck Sal, this isn't a damn joke!" I turned towards the direction of the voice, and was shocked to see Brittney standing up with her arms crossed and prepared to speak. "When Brooke's Dad died earlier this year, Brooke's home life became hell. When Fern got into that car accident, things became even worse for her...", Brittney admitted in a serious yet gloomy voice. "I understand that she went through some hard times, but so have I! We all have our own problems. Just because her Dad died doesn't mean she can just ruin everyones' lives!", Sal yelled defensively causing me to back away a few steps. "Look, I get where you're coming from but-", I began to say, my voice much quieter and gentler than before. "But Brooke is always right, because she's little miss perfect!", Sal interrupted as she began to walk towards the door,"Trust me, I get what you're trying to say. I already know that Brooke always gets what she wants and I'll always come second to her!" Sals tone set a chill through my spine. I couldn't blame her, but she just can't grasp the fact that what's happening to Brooke is a real situation that could be potentially fatal. I noticed that Britt and Angel were staring at me along with Sal, who kept on giving death glares from across the room. Sal finally spoke and says, "If you don't get what we're trying to say, just get the fuck out of here and never come back". The words were so harsh but I ended up pushing aside the hurt feelings and walked out the door. I was already outside of her bedroom door when I, without thinking, turned back around and walked back into the room. I could tell they were surprised that I was back so soon, and honestly, I was surprised myself. "What the hell are you still doing here?", Sal asked with a voice of pure hatred. "I realized I wasn't finished yet", I replied plainly as I turned my attention to Brittney and Angel who were standing in front of me silently. "What else is there to say? We already know that you don't approve of our account!", Brittney replied with an annoyed expression on her face. "And you already know that we're not gonna stop anytime soon", Sal added as she crossed her arms across her chest. "I just think you should know that Sal is a lot more involved in this than you think", I responded with a sly smile as I focused my vague words first towards Brittney and Angel and then towards Sal,"They'll find out eventually, Sal". And on that note, I walked out of the room feeling satisfied. I knew that I had created some uncertainty in Brittney and Angel's minds, now all I could do was hope that it was enough to make them disable the account. After walking downstairs I made a left and walked through the kitchen towards the door. As soon as I got outside, I got in my car and began to drive. My mind was set on going only once place; Brooke's house.


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