Chapter 10

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Last night was a blur. I sat up in bed, then reached for my phone which was laying on the end table. I looked to see that I was in one of the rooms in Brooke's beach house. The room was huge, with two windows and a full bath across the other side of the room. There were beach themed decor that varied along the wall, along with a modern look. When I turned my phone on, I was staring at a screen full of texts, and most of them were from Derek. I scrolled down the list of notifications and saw some from Sal, and one from Brooke and Britt. Another was from Angel, but then I decided to delete the message. One of the messages from Derek said 'I had fun with you babe' and the rest became sexual and desperate. I had so many drinks that at first I had forgotten even hanging out with Derek. The more I scrolled through the messages, the more I remembered parts of the night. As I reached the bottom, Derek sent me a nude pic of himself. I quickly got out of it and put my phone down. He was pretty muscular, with abs and toned arms. The temptation rising, I went back into the message and gave a long look. As much as I tried to fight the feeling, I found myself deeply attracted to him. Until then, I hadn't noticed just how got he was. He had a sharp jawline, and all his facial features seemed perfectly shaped and placed. I guess I must have zoned out, because I realized it had been several minutes. I wondered how I should respond, and if I should even bother responding. I thought it over for a moment before making up my mind. I walked over to the sofa in the bedroom and laid down on it. I hesitantly pulled off my shirt, revealing a deep scarlet red bra with black lace trim. I was about to unclip that too, until a thought of uncertainty hit me. Right as I was about to pull my bra down for the pic, I heard someone walking down the long hallway coming towards my room. I quickly put the shirt on but Brooke was already in the doorway when I had my shirt halfway on. "Am I interrupting something" Brooke said while laughing. "Shut up, you're the horny bitch who was desperate for you know who" I said trying to make an excuse. "Whatever Rox, but whatever the hell you're doing, make sure you do it with me next time" She replied with a wink. "Oh I will" I said rolling my eyes as she strutted out the door. I collected my phone and my shoes in my hand and walked out to see what everyone was doing. Of course, Brooke was there, but Britt was no where to be seen. I looked at the clock which read 1:30 pm. "Shit, Brooke we woke up so late!" I exclaimed to her. "So, isn't that the fun part after a badass party?" Brooke question. "Yeah, the party was pretty awesome for a freshman hosting it" I replied with a smirk. Brooke just rolled her eyes in response as she took a sip from a cup filled with a weird mixture. She must've been able to see that I was curious, because she said,"Oh this tastes much better than it looks, it's the perfect hangover cure." I nodded my head in understanding before scanning the house. It seemed empty especially since it was the early afternoon. "So, where'd Britt go?" I said confused. Brooke sipped what was left of her morning alcohol, "I honestly don't even remember what happened after the party, everyone just either crashed or drove home drunk" Brooke stated. "No I meant this morning" I said getting a bit annoyed that she wasn't answering my question. "Oh, well I saw her leave with Ashton this morning, probably hooked up and forgot" Brooke laughed. "Whatever, hey you want to do something, I mean it's never us doing anything!" I said in exasperation. "True baby, but first you need to show me those 'secret pics' from your daddy" Brooke winked then did a sexual gesture". " Fine, anything for you sweetie" I replied back in a fake bitch tone. I carelessly unlocked my phone and went to where the pictures were. I was about to hand her the phone, when suddenly Brooke snatched it out of my hands. "Damn Roxy, these are hot as fuck!", she exclaimed raising an eyebrow and jokingly biting her lip,"So racy!" She had been staring at Derek's photos so long that I started tapping my fingers impatiently. "You done?", I asked, rolling my eyes, as I tried grabbing my phone. "Ugh, fine!", she replied in annoyance with an exaggerated sigh,"He's got a really nice bod though!" I gave her a fake annoyed look before saying,"I know bitch." Brooke smirked at me in response and asked,"So what is it you want to do?" I thought for a second, trying to come up with something fun to do. "We could go to the beach", I suggested as I looked out the window in the direction of the luscious beach. The ocean was calm, the sun was bright and hot, and the sand was scattered with seashells. Brooke was so fortunate to have a beach house on a private beach. Most of the beaches in California are flooded with people and tourists almost all day long. Of course, the beach in front of her beach house was much less crowded. "Not really in the mood", Brooke responded plainly until a smile crossed her face,"Let's tan outside by my pool." I didn't even have to think about it before agreeing. Brooke had a luxurious massive and modern pool with tanning chairs surrounding it, and a beautiful view of the ocean. It was completed by a hot tub, which was most used at night. So, Brooke and I went upstairs to our rooms, changed into our bikinis, and met out at the pool. I had finished changing before Brooke, so I chose a tanning chair with a direct view of the ocean. I was admiring the ocean when Brooke slid open the glass door and strutted towards me. "Fuck!", I exclaimed in surprise,"Brooke you look fine as hell!" She was sporting a jet black Victoria Secret bikini. The bikini bottoms and top seemed to barely cover her skin. They had black straps across the sides which met at the middle of the garments. The bikini complemented all of her curves, and made her look like a supermodel. I was surprised that she chose such a scandalous bikini, especially since there weren't any guys around. "Thanks Rox, you look pretty damn hot yourself!", she replied after giving me a long look from my head to my toes. I was wearing a red triangle push-up bikini which in my opinion showed off some skin, but not too much. "Are you planning to impress Cody with that bikini?" I said in amazement. "I honestly don't even want to talk about him right now, especially when he was for real about having sex in my bedroom" Brooke said defensively. "I thought you would have been happy, you always seem confident around guys and have been wanting sex" I replied knowingly. Brooke gazed out at the ocean for a moment before responding. "I guess I've always been hella good at disguising my true feelings", she muttered as she fixed her hair which the light breeze had messed up a little bit. "What, are you saying you really don't want to have sex with him?", I asked with a confused expression. Brooke sighed and looked into my direction. "I really do want to, it's just that I want it to be special", she explained as she adjusted her bikini,"Besides, he's older than me and he doesn't know my real age." I stared at Brooke with awe. Ever since I had met Brooke, she had been the most confident person I had known. When it came to guys and sex and that kinda thing, I always thought she had it easy. I guess I was wrong. "Wait, so you have never had sex?", I questioned, trying to figure out if my suspicion was correct. "Never", she straight out admitted. She then laughed as she saw the shock on my face. "What? You really thought I had? God, I'm not even in high school yet", she laughed with a condescending tone,"I'm not a slut, unlike some people." Although she had never straight out told any of us that she had sex before, I had always assumed that she had. "Woah, the sluttish chick I know is actually a virgin! My life is a lie!", I laughed jokingly. "I still can't believe you're that surprised", she said with a bit of annoyance in her voice. Now that I had learned she was a virgin, I was also wondering who she was referring to as a slut. At first I thought of Brittney, but she didn't talk about guys and sex even half as much as Brooke. "Are you talking about Sal?", I asked in realization. Salina was the type of girl who had no boundaries. And I remember her talking about hooking up with guys before. "You said it not me, bitch", she replied with a snarky tone which told me my guess was correct. "She never really seemed like that much of a slut though", I said with an amused tone. "Seriously?", she fake questioned,"She was the one I went to for advice when Cody wanted to have sex." I turned onto my back and thought about what Brooke had just said. "What advice did she give you?", I asked with curiosity in my voice. I also was slightly confused, because if Sal was the one who gave her advice, I figured Brooke would be convinced to have sex. "She said that since sex clearly means a lot to him, that I should not bother trying to have a relationship with him", Brooke explained. "She really said that?", I questioned with a look of obvious confusion. "Yeah... why?", she asked with a puzzled expression. "Well that just doesn't seem like something Sal would say", I admitted,"She is the kind of girl who would try convincing you to just have sex already." Brooke let what I had said sink in, before agreeing with me,"Now that you mention it, I'm surprised she said that too." After that, I tried convincing myself and Brooke that Sal was just looking out for her, but I could tell that neither one of us believed it. We both knew Sal too well. I definitely believed that she was up to something. And whatever it was, I knew it wouldn't turn out well.


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