Chapter 8

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"Damn that looks cool as fuck", Derek exclaimed as he observed my fresh new tattoo. I just smiled in response and looked over at Roxy. She had her shirt lifted up to her chin as the guy was just finishing up the finals details on her pistol tattoo. I was admiring how totally badass her tat looked when my phone buzzed. I unlocked it to see a text from Brooke which read 'party at my beach house, you guys coming later?' I was definitely up for a party. I responded back, telling her we were on our way. I looked up to see that Roxy was finished getting her tattoo, so then we paid and headed out.
Once we arrived, Brooke's beach house was already packed with people our age and older, who were drinking alcohol, smoking joints, grinding on each other, and making out on furniture. "Get a room!", I yelled to a guy and a girl who were making out on a living room couch. Roxy looked at me with a slight stunned expression on her face,"bitch, chill!" We eventually spotted Chantelle smoking two joints in her mouth, laughing so hard with guys surrounding her. It was so crowded we could barely see who was there, but I eventually saw Brooke and Britt. As we brushed passed people kept on trying to either make conversation or get my attention. I'm getting so sick of how Brooke uses me sometimes. I mean, she's my friend and would do almost anything for me, but she constantly asks for advice on guys, then shows off thinking she knows what to do in certain situations. The bitch wouldn't even be able to handle having sex, even though she talks as though she knows. Somehow, my friends buy into her act, thinking she knows everything. "Sal, I really need to talk to you", Brooke insisted as she approached me from across the room. "What do you want?", I asked in an annoyed tone. Brooke hadn't even asked me anything, yet I already knew she was going to ask for my advice. She dragged me upstairs and we opened the door to a guest bedroom. "Get lost!", Brooke yelled to a couple who had just began stripping down. Horrified, they grabbed their clothes and ran out of the room. "So, why am I here?", I asked with a sigh. Brooke sat on the bed across from me. "Cody wants to have sex", Brooke stated plainly. "And you want my advice?", I questioned in annoyance. Brooke adjusted her body on the bed for replying,"Well, it's just that I'm a virgin, but I know you said you've had sex before." At that moment I was beyond tired of Brooke's shit. I was about to tell her to fuck off, however I had a better idea. I figured it was best to give Brooke false advice, so I started. "So, you want my advice?" I said with a conceded tone in my voice. "Yeah sure, I mean you are the one who had sex with like every guy in our school". Brooke dramatized rolling her eyes, smiling. "Ok, I'm just saying, but I wouldn't continue a relationship with Cody if sex means so much to him." "What do you mean by that?" Brooke said defensively. "Do you really want to pursue Cody if all he wants his sex and not a relationship? He seems like an fuckboy to me", I responded with a fake concerned voice. Brooke looked at me hesitantly for a moment, before nodding her head in understanding. "I guess you're right", Brooke replied with a sad expression on her face,"I just wish things were different, I really like Cody." I fought back the urge to smirk, as I half smiled at her. "Thanks Sal, I know I can always trust you for the best advice!", Brooke exclaimed as she hugged me tightly,"I don't know what I could possibly do without you." Brooke looked so sad and heartbroken, sitting on the bed with a frown. Too bad she didn't know that everything was going exactly as I had planned.
After a few minutes of me pretending to be sad for her, Brooke and I parted ways. While I walked downstairs where the main part of the party was, she stayed in the guest bedroom. I looked around the party in search of Cody. I wanted to find him, and then use our drunkenness and my charming abilities, in order to seduce him. However, Brooke's massive beach house was filled with people. Just when I thought I saw Cody across the room with Jason, my friends approached me. Blaine was walking next to Derek and Roxy who were oddly hanging onto each other, either because they were drunk and stoned, or because they had feelings for each other. Either way, I wasn't really interested at the moment, I just wanted to find Cody. "Hey Sal", Blaine greeted me with a little wave,"Are you having a good time?" Blaine's preppy good boy talk made me laugh in my mind. But instead of making some insult, I decided to play along. Besides, the way he acted around me was kinda cute. "Of course I am", I replied to Blaine with a laugh,"It is a party after all." For the next fifteen minutes, I was stuck talking to Blaine. Finally, Roxy pulled me away from him, and took out two joints and a lighter. She handed one to me, lit the other one, and handed me the lighter. With the joint in her mouth, she lifted her body up, and sat onto the kitchen counter. I copied her actions and sat on the kitchen island across from her. After smoking for a while, we both became totally wasted. The rest of the night soon was nothing but a blur. I have scattered memories of flirting with guys, showing off my new tattoo, and laughing with my friends.


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