Chapter 12

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The beach was decently crowded, with umbrellas scattered across the vast amount of the area. Beside me was my girlfriend, Angel, and her friends attempting to tan. Tonight my friends were discussing a party, but to be honest I wasn't all in the mood to get involved in anything that could potentially occur at the party. This is especially since Angel had been so down lately with her current friends who ditched her. I felt that another party would just create more drama. "Don't be so lame Jason", Angel joked with a small smile,"It'll be fun." I sighed lightly before responding,"Are you sure you're up for a party though?" Angel rolled her eyes before looking off into the distance. After some time she looked back over at me. "I know I was really upset yesterday, but I could really use a party to cheer me up", Angel insisted as she played with my hair. "Fine", I agreed and planted a small kiss onto Angel's forehead,"Whatever makes you happy, Ang." She returned a kiss and thanked me. Angel then went back to focusing on 'getting an even tan' or whatever that means.
After a long day at the beach, we all split up to get ready for the party. Sasha stayed with Angel and I while Violet went off on her own, probably to head back at her house and practice her freaky meditation shit she's been talking about. Violet wasn't the party type, and from her hippy-trippy looking appearance, you would know for sure where she was placed. I never cared for Violet when I first met her, but I know she helps take care of Angel and she makes her happy. "I can't wait to see what you're place looks like" Angel said swooning. However, Sasha was left walking behind us on her phone and doesn't seem to care to even participate in any conversation. "So Sasha, I know you came back to us after the party, but you never said what happened that made you so upset" I said with curiosity. This made Sasha glare at me harder than I excepted,"Why do you care?" Angel and I were both surprised by how defensive she became. While I decided to drop it, Angel decided to pursue my question. "It's okay Sash, we just want to know what's wrong. You've seemed really off all day", Angel elaborated with concern. "Fine. I was looking out for Brooke and Brittney, and then they treated me like shit. Before Angel and I could speak, Sasha went on about what happened. "They were really drunk and I just wanted to help" Sasha continued. "I know they were drinking a lot, and when you're drunk you usually never mean what you say, but for some reason it felt like every word was meant. The words still engrave in my brain.." Sasha explained in a quieter voice. "Sasha I'm sorry", Angel said sympathetically. "Yeah, but I don't know why you're that surprised, Brooke's a bitch", I confessed honestly. Angel looked at Sasha as if she randomly got possessed by Satan, then countered, "Brooke isn't a bad person, she just needs to figure out who she is before she judges other people like us". Sasha gave Angel a look and dismissed what she had just said. "I think they're stupid for not realizing how amazing of a person you are" I said smiling. "Aw babe, I love you" Angel beamed. Sasha was looking at the two of us awkwardly, then smiled. "You two are honestly really fucking cute together" Sasha said while taking her phone out for a picture. Once we arrived at my house, Angel and Sasha took their makeup out of their bags. "Where is your bathroom?" Angel questioned looking around. "It's right at the end of the hall" I directed. While Sasha and Angel did their makeup, I changed into something a little more suitable for a party. I put on a white and gray shirt and light brown cargo shorts. Once I had finished changing, I looked in my bedroom mirror. My short light blonde hair looked a little messy, but in a good way, my pale skin had gotten a little tan, and my dark blue eyes looked a shade lighter than usual. "Not too shabby", Sasha said with a small smile as she walked through the door. I rolled my eyes. "Babe, don't listen to Sasha, you look hot!", Angel insisted as she shoved past Sasha. "Well you look even better", I promised with a cheerful smile. I was tempted to kiss her again, but I could tell Sasha was getting a bit annoyed with us. So instead I asked,"Are you girls ready?"


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