Chapter 2

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The sun was bright as it was reflecting onto my light skin. The beach waves were crashing calmly onto the shore, and the smell of salt and tanning lotion was settling in the air. Palm trees were swaying side to side as a gentle breeze came through, and the sounds of the loud music were heard as my best friend, Brooke, was laying next to me. I wanted this moment to last, having the beach house all to ourselves and spending a whole week with my best friend. I felt my usually straight and shiny deep red hair, which was scraggly and wet from being in the ocean. As the perfect picture was sinking in, Brooke stood up and took out her earbuds. She took out a bottle of wine that she stole last night and poured 2 half glasses. "I can't imagine not living here" she finally spoke after taking a sip of the wine. I just smiled and gave her a playful nudge as I was staring miraculously into the afternoon sky.
As I open my eyes this morning, I check the clock to see that it read 11:00 am. Damn it. In the room next to me was my best friend, Brooke, who was still asleep. I rolled out of bed and headed downstairs to make breakfast for the both of us. My iPhone, which was tucked in my Louis Vuitton purse, set off to notify that I got a text. I quickly checked to see who it was before Brooke woke up. Brooke wanted to spend the whole day with me and I didn't want to have her see I was texting other friends and get any ideas that I was planning other things. As I opened the text, it was from one of my friends, Sal. I smiled as she sent me a picture of her and Brooke holding wine bottles in the air with bitchy smiles on their faces. In the background there was the Los Angeles skyline, with the buildings sparkling and the sky a dark pink ombré. Later today Brooke and I were planning to see our friends Sal, Roxy, Chantelle, Angel, and Sasha. The rest of our summer is going to be the best one, so that's why Brooke and I made our own bucket list to share with the others. I came downstairs to start getting breakfast ready while I saw Brooke texting on her phone. "Good morning love" I said with a smile. Brooke was sitting on couch already dressed. She was looking at her phone, then at me with a huge grin on her face.
When we arrived, our friends Sal, Roxy, Chantelle, Angel, Sasha, and some lame bitch they brought with them, were there waiting for us. We walked up to them as they were finishing up a conversation. They were in the middle of discussing getting naval piercings. As soon as they saw us, they ran towards us and started a new conversation. Immediately, we began walking towards the beach. As we walked towards the ocean, I started talking to my friend Chantelle. She has mid-length golden blonde hair, pale green eyes, and sun kissed skin. She was wearing a green Victoria's Secret bikini and was holding a fuzzy blue beach towel. Brooke, however, was chatting with Roxy. She has short black hair with a red streak on the side. Her skin is pale, but stunning. She also has piercing blue gray eyes which are empathized by a dark coat of black makeup. Once we got on the beach and set our towels down, the random girl with the shitty hair laid her towel next to me. "I was going to have someone else sit here" I said with an annoyed tone of voice. "Um, ok....." the girl responded awkwardly, not even attempting to make eye contact. I just responded by giving her a look of disgust. Meanwhile, she picked up her towel and placed it next to Angel, my friend who apparently invited this lame ass. "Who is that?" I whispered to Sal and Brooke. Sal looked at me,"That's Angel's friend who goes to a different school and is moving here next year, but we didn't want her to come" she said rolling her eyes. As we're getting our tans and chatting about what we were going to do today, four guys walking along the beach playing volleyball caught my attention. The tall guy in the middle, who was the most attractive in my opinion, had tan skin, which complimented his light blue green eyes. His facial structure was perfect, a jawline and that smile that makes my stomach hurt. His hair was brown, and styled. As I was looking at him, his eyes met mine. I quickly looked away. After I pointed to show Sal the guys, she slid her Gucci sunglasses down to check out what I saw. Once she took a long glance, I heard her whisper 'holy shit'. "Which one would you go for?" I asked Sal as we were staring at them playing a competitive game of volleyball. One of the guys caught us staring and him and his other friends starting looking over at us. My body went numb. Brooke, however, wasn't paying attention to the discussion, so Sal and I had to finally nudge her so she could catch onto what was happening. Brooke responded by saying, "bitch what the fuck" and eventually looked over. After staring at them, Brooke called them over. We all gave each other a nervous glance, but still tried to keep cool about the whole situation. Brooke has it easy when it comes to guys and is always giving us her best tips. The guys started to come over and we started to smile. As soon as they approached us, Brooke became totally flirtatious. "Hey girls", a guy of average height with slightly tanned skin, dirty blonde hair, and deep blue eyes said,"After you called us over, we saw how gorgeous you all are and couldn't resist coming over to talk to you." The girls and I just smiled and questioned in our minds whether we should respond and what we could say. Of course, Brooke had no trouble coming up with a response,"Oh, so you think we're gorgeous?" she asked with a sexy smile. "Of course", said the brown haired, tanned, and blue green eyed guy who had previously captured my attention. Angel and the rest of the girls looked up from what they were doing, tanning or laughing at something on Instagram, now just staring at the guys. The guys started introducing themselves, starting with the guy I'm interested in. "I'm Ashton, and this is Cody, Blaine, and Jason" Ashton said with a smile. Cody wasn't bad either; with paler skin, deep blue eyes, and a killer body. Ashton was looking at me, for once a guy I liked wasn't staring at Brooke. I started by saying my name, Brittney, then the rest did as so. "Do you guys maybe want to hang, go to the board walk or something?" Ashton asked grinning at me. Seeing him smile at me gave me the urge to run up to him and kiss him. As tempted as I was, I mentally reminded myself to play it cool. I knew I should play a little hard to get and make myself totally irresistible to him. "I guess we could take some time off from tanning", I said in both a flirtatious and somewhat disinterested tone as I looked over at the girls,"What do you think?" As I looked at my friends awaiting an answer, I laughed in my head after seeing how excited Angel and her loser of a friend were to hang out with some dudes. On the other hand, I was a bit surprised how chill the rest of my friends were. They pretended to talk it over like there was even the smallest chance one of them would rather be tanning. Then Brooke turned her head to face the guys and smirked at them as she said,"Why the hell not?"


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