Chapter 18

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"Okay babe, I'll talk to you later" I said as I ended the call with my boyfriend, Derek. Derek is wanted around in Palm Springs, and is currently on house arrest. He was recently involved in selling varieties of drugs. After I ended the call, my messages were filled with 10 texts from Sal. Ugh. I dreadfully opened the texts and began reading them. The first text was just a standard 'What's up?'. However, the texts increasingly escalated the further I read through them. Towards the middle she began complaining about Brooke and how much she hated her. Normally, I don't take sides when it comes to drama between my friends, however this time was different. Brooke had been being quite the bitch recently, and she went after Cody even though Sal liked him. Sal is however my closest friend out of the group, and I do have to take Sal for granted. Sal told me that she flat out told Brooke that she liked Cody. Anyways, Sal was also a shitty friend for seeing Cody behind Brooke's back, but what she did was understandable. Besides, it's not like she did it all on her own, Cody had to have liked her back for him to do what he did. All in all, they both screwed up majorly. And although I would rather stay out of all the drama, I was on Sal's side with this one. The last texts explained how Brooke had randomly showed up at Sal's house and was yelling and making a scene. 'What the hell? Is she fucking insane?', I quickly texted in response to the messages. I didn't even need to await a response when Sal quickly responded back saying, 'so you're on my side then'. I rolled my eyes, looking at what she sent me. When I really think about it, this whole situation is pathetic knowing that we're going to be in high school. I texted back saying, 'yeah, but don't you think you and Brooke are reacting pretty immaturely to this whole situation?'. I knew Sal would disagree with what I had said, but Brooke and Sal were being really childish. They were fighting about a bunch of worthless shit that I knew wouldn't even really matter in a year or two. Even if none of this had happened, I seriously doubted that either Brooke or Sal would end up with Cody. So what was the point in fighting about him? I was snapped out of my thoughts when I received notification of Sal sending me a text. 'Immature? Hell no! Do you forget all the horrible things Brooke has done?' Sal responded in a way that I could tell she was a little pissed off at me. 'Of course I didn't forget, I'm just talking about how you two are reacting'. I mean cmon, is Cody really worth it?'. There was a long pause when I received a text back from her ten minutes later, 'oh, so you think that I can't have my own love life, but you can since you obviously have someone who is committed'. I typed back saying, 'I didn't mean it like that, it's just I want all of us to get along, it's much easier like that'. Sal quickly typed which read, 'well, some people don't have the balls to make it happen'. I thought about what Sal had written before texting, 'Whatever, there's no point in arguing about this. I already know that I can't stop you from doing whatever stupid shit you're going to do... Just make sure to fucking leave me out of it'. I sat there waiting for a text back for what seemed like forever. I had just picked my phone up to see if she had gotten my text, when she texted me 'Whatever bitch...'. At that point, I knew that Sal was mad at me, but I really didn't really care. I was actually kind of pissed at her too. She kept talking about how Brooke treated everyone like shit and ruined everything, but Sal made some major mistakes too! She kept acting like she was so innocent and downplaying the shit that she did, but I knew that she was no angel. Sure, Brooke was the most deceptive, manipulative, clever, and vengeful bitch I knew, but Sal was quite the badass. Anyways the whole thing just seemed really worthless and childish to me. To me, they were just wasting their lives with a pointless fight which would just fuck things up even further. I put my phone down and decided to walk to Derek's house. He said I could come over any time since he lives near me. It's better to be around who I know cares about me other than people that make drama 24/7.


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