Chapter 13

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As I looked around my house, it looked almost unrecognizable. Music was blaring so loudly that I was surprised none of my neighbors had called the cops. And there was food and drinks scattered across the table and counters. Groups of people were passing joints and laughing hysterically. As more people arrived by the minute, my house quickly became filled with partygoers. Before I knew it, I found myself not being able to recognize a lot of the people. Mutual friends and plus ones I assumed. "Hey dude, nice party", Ashton said as he walked up to me with a red solo cup in his hand. "I know", I agreed with a smirk as I held up my cup and we both took a sip of our drinks. "Yo Cody!", Sal exclaimed as she gave my arm a little nudge. "What's up?", I asked as I casually wrapped my arm around her as we walked to a different part of the room. I was talking with Sal for about thirty minutes before the sound of a huge crowd of people arriving caught my attention. I turned my head towards their direction to see Brittney, Brooke, Roxy, and Chantelle walking in, all of them looking fine as hell. Before I could continue a conversation with Sal, Brooke walked up to me and made out with me, forcing her tongue down my throat. I stood there stunned, then finally said, "woah babe take it easy, are you sure you want to get laid tonight?" I questioned uneasily. "Of course I do" Brooke said walking closer to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. Sal interrupted the moment saying, "why don't we grab a few shots and smoke shit, but not with those bastards". Sal looked at Brooke up and down, but Brooke didn't seem phased by it. I pulled Sal aside, "you have to keep it cool with her, otherwise she'll know what's going on" I whispered. "Why should I care what that bitch thinks?", she whispered angrily. "Because she's still one of your best friends", I muttered in response,"Please, just stay calm." Sal just glared at me and whispered a quiet 'whatever'. "What are you two whispering about?", Brooke asked as she walked over to us and kissed my neck. She seemed to be high already, and had a few drinks in the spare time. "Nothing important baby", I responded as I returned her kiss, hoping that she didn't hear us,"We were just going to get some drinks and joints." Brooke studied my face for a moment as if she could read my mind and tell that I was lying to her. But to my surprise she calmly said,"Go ahead, there are some friends I wanted to say hi to anyways". I could tell that Sal was just as stunned as I was that Brooke seemed so chill. I tried not to act too surprised, so I kissed Brooke before walking towards the corner of the room with Sal. I handed her a bottle of unopened champagne and we both sat on top of the kitchen counters. We sat there together for some time, just drinking, smoking joints, and talking. Sal was in the middle of a rant, when Brooke caught my eye. She was still on the other side of the room, but she wasn't alone. Brooke was talking to Jason, and she seemed a little too friendly. They were both drinking and laughing, which is normal for two people at a party, however, it almost seemed like they were flirting. "Cody, are you listening?" Sal questioned as she saw me looking into the distance. "Oh yeah, sorry, keep talking", I lied, hoping she wouldn't notice me keeping an eye on Brooke. Fortunately she didn't seem to notice. Suddenly, a hit dance song began playing over the speakers. Everyone seemed to be getting up and dancing. "Wanna dance?", I asked Sal as I hopped off of the counter and extended my arm towards her. "You sure?", Sal questioned bitterly,"Don't you think Brooke, your apparent girlfriend will be upset to see us dancing together?" I thought about what she said for a second before shrugging. "It seems like she has another 'one night stand' that won't probably happen" I said jokingly, exaggerating a bit. "Isn't that Jason, Angels boyfriend?" Sal said confused. I just shrugged. "Whatever it takes for her to get distracted by us" I whispered, pulling Sal closer to me. Luckily, Brooke was all the way at the end of the room, so she was crowded around a group of my friends and friends of their friends. "Maybe we should take this upstairs" I finally said as we started to get up. "I'd love that" Sal said in a sexy manner.
We walked down towards the end of my upstairs hallway and I opened the door of my bedroom. Sal followed me closely and immediately began making out with me. She pushed her lips against mine and then she preceded to kiss my neck. After a minute or so, she locked her hand in mine and shut the door with her other hand. With a smile on my face, I led her towards the bed which was in the back of my room. She lowered her body onto the dark sheets of my bed and quickly began to undress. I couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty. After a minute of just staring at her dumbly, I too stripped down. As soon as I sat onto the bed, I pulled Sal towards me and trailed my fingers down her spine. She pulled away for a second just to tease me and soon began to kiss me again. "Are you sure you want to do this?", I asked as I looked into her beautiful eyes. "Yes baby", Sal promised with a smirk as she leaned in towards me and continued to kiss me passionately.


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