Chapter 17

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After video chatting Roxy hearing her complain about how much her tattoo stings, I received a text from Brooke. It read, 'we need to talk, NOW'. To be honest, I'm not regretting what I did to her, and she doesn't realize how many relationships she's ruined in the past in our friend circle. I just ignored the text, then sent a quick text to Brittney. Brittney was recently talking to me about how Brooke is always getting the attention either with boys, people at school, or simply strangers checking her out. Although Brittney and Brooke had been best friends for a long time, I could tell that Brittney was so annoyed that she was currently debating if she should just end it. 'She's seriously trying to talk to you?' Brittney texted me with concern. I wasn't sure what to say so I just responded with 'Yeah, but honestly I don't give a fuck about what she has to say to me'. As I awaited a response, I set my phone down and fixed my hair. I was in the middle of brushing my hair when my phone buzzed. I hesitantly picked it up and read what Brittney had typed. I was somewhat surprised, because Brittney had taken my side and agreed that there was no point in texting Brooke back. I was in the process of coming up with a response, when I received another text from Brittney which read 'I'm honestly done with her and all her shit. Lately, all she had been doing is ruining everything. It's gotten to the point where it isn't even as fun to hang out with her, because all she cares about is getting revenge.' I'm not gonna lie, I was totally satisfied by her text. Now that her own best friends were turning against her, Brooke was finally getting what she deserved. After thinking the whole situation through, I decided to type back. The text read, 'if we want to take Brooke down, the first step is to play nice. Then we can get our revenge, and I have the perfect idea for that'. Smiling at my perfect plan, I waited for a response. As I was waiting for a reply, my thoughts were suddenly interrupted when Brooke appeared walking up my pathway. The revenge idea wasn't planned out completely, but the only thing I knew was that I wanted to take her down with the help of Britt. Britt knows that Brooke constantly asks for advice and pretends to know everything about sex and guys. The truth is, Brooke may seem like a fuck girl, but she's insecure and a super lame bitch with a side of low self esteem. I looked up to Brooke approached me with a straight face and sat down with no excuses why she randomly barged onto my property. "I'll call the cops if you don't get off my property without authorization" I said with a straight conceded tone. "Ugh my dad can sew you and the cops" Brooke said while rolling her eyes. "What do you want" I started to say getting annoyed. "Oh, so you're going to pretend like you fuck with my boyfriend, then treat me like shit?" Brooke raised her voice. Okay I couldn't deny hooking up with Cody, however she was the one who was being a shitty friend in the first place. "I'm the one treating you like shit?", I asked with a raised voice. A look of anger crossed Brooke's face and she opened her mouth as if she was going to say something, but I didn't give her time to respond. I didn't want to hear the shit she had to say, I wanted her to listen to me. "All of those times you came to me to help like a lost little child, I gave you advice! Without me and my advice, you would be totally lost! I helped you so many times, but what did you ever give me in return?" I exclaimed angrily. The anger on Brooke's face seemed to disappear and was replaced by a look of uncertainty. "That's what this is about-", Brooke began to ask with both amusement and confusion. "I had my eyes set on Cody. There was something about him that I liked. Me hooking up with him was not some game to make you mad! It was because I liked him! And he obviously likes me back, or he wouldn't have gone through all that trouble to secretly see me!", I yelled, the words just flowing out of my mouth. Brooke stared at me in disbelief before saying,"I'm sorry, I really didn't know you felt that way..." The expression on her face àw the tone of her voice told me that she actually meant what she had said. However, I was still pissed. "Of course you didn't know! Because all you care about is yourself! You pretend like you care about your friends, but when it comes down to it, you'll screw all of us over just to get your way!", I retorted, my eyes filled with pain and rage, and my throat stinging from yelling. Brooke's lips curled downward into a frown and her eyes filled with tears. I could tell that she was apologetic for the things she had done. And honestly, I was happy she felt like shit. Brooke stood there a while just staring at me with a pained expression on her face before I finally yelled,"Why are you even here anymore? Get the hell out of here you little bitch before I really do call the cops!"


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