Chapter 6

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It was late, and my friends were still pushing to walk around the boardwalk. I was getting tired and a bit pissed about Angel's reaction to the whole situation. Like bitch, you think they aren't my friends either? Big deal, Sal didn't want to sit with her at the moment, no shit. Honestly it wasn't surprising at all. Angel can be fun to be around, but she can also be kinda lame. I'm surprised her and Sal even get along, because they are so different. I on the other hand, have way more things in common with Sal. Unlike Angel, we both love to party, have similar personalities, and would rather break rules than follow them. Angel just blew the whole situation out of proportion. Angel is more of a follower, she'll do basically whatever the person in the situation says or does. I looked over at my friends as they were laughing and flirting with Jason, when I just wanted to leave. "Guys it's getting late", I began to say as I walked over to me friends and added,"And I'm exhausted." Angel looked up at me before saying,"Yeah, but we're all having so much fun. Let's just go on a few more rides first." I sighed in annoyance and was about to respond in disagreement until I was interrupted. "While this has been fun, Sasha has a point", Chantelle admitted as she wrapped one arm around me. I was relieved that someone agreed with me. "Okay fine", Angel responded in disappointment,"Let's start making our way back". Angel and Jason walked side by side while Violet trailed behind them, and I walked with Chantelle. As I walked I chatted with Chantelle while admiring the dark sky and the brightly lit city streets. Although it was past midnight, the streets were still filled with cars driving from place to place, and people walking the streets. I looked over at Angel who was more interested in Jason than us, and then towards Violet. She was so quiet and looked misplaced. "I was thinking, how about we get back with the rest, see what they're doing?" I said inquisitively to Chantelle with a sly smile. "Fuck yeah, anything to get away from those losers, except for Jason" Chantelle added. I just rolled my eyes. "You know, in a year, we can both get our licenses and do whatever the hell we want" I said with a laugh, taking in the breathless view and the feeling of being youthful. "Not if we negotiate" Chantelle turned to me with a mischievous look on her face. I was slightly skeptical on what she recommended, so I questioned, "what , you mean lying? About our age?" Chantelle just gave me a bitch stare, then recoiled, "bitch, we're going to be freshman at one the best fucking high schools in California, imagine getting that license, driving on the first day". "Well babe, I'd be lying if I said that doesn't sound amazing", I acknowledged with a huge smile on my face,"Imagine what a huge impression we could make". "I told you it would, wouldn't it!" Chantelle exclaimed. "Wanna see who runs the farthest back to the house?" I said with a smirk. I know it sounds childish, but I figured we can help ourselves to a few drinks once we get back to Brooke's beach house. Brooke's mom has a fridge filled with all kinds of beers, wine, liquors, you name it. "Ugh, whatever" Chantelle jokingly said rolling her eyes. So with that, we both sprinted our way towards the house. Unsurprisingly, Brooke's beach house is right on the beach with an impeccable view. So instead of running towards the streets, we ran straight towards the sandy beach. As we ran, we kicked up piles of sand and avoided stepping on sharp seashells. I heard a loud "Excuse me!", as I saw Chantelle run between a middle age couple who were leaning in for a kiss. "Sorry not sorry bitches!", Chantelle yelled as she ran even faster. I just laughed and made sure to kick up sand at the couple as I ran away. Finally, the beach house was in sight. Chantelle and I exchanged glances before darting towards it. As we were racing each other towards the house, I couldn't help but feel nostalgic. I remembered how simple, fun, and innocent life was when we were younger. But as we opened the door of the house, I realized my life wasn't like that anymore. Inside the house, loud music boomed, people were crowding around talking and dancing, and there was a strong scent of alcohol emanating throughout the air. "Hey bitches, you finally showed up to the party", Brooke laughed in a semi-drunk voice. Next to her stood Brittney who was sipping on a margarita and giggling drunkenly. "Who's all here?", I asked as I looked around to see if I knew anyone there. "Ashton, Cody, a bunch of their friends, and a bunch of other people", Brittney stammered trying not to slur her words. "And Sal told me that Roxy, Blaine, and his friend Derek are on their way", Brooke mentioned as she took another sip of the drink she was holding. "Ok, Brooke, we need to get you upstairs" I said in a concerned voice. As I looked over to Chantelle for backup, she was across the room joining the group of guy friends, grabbing beers and passing around joints. Brooke stared at me with Brittney by her side, both having a confused expression on her faces. "You didn't tell me we were having other people over" I mentioned raising my voice. "What do you mean?" Brooke stated, laughing more than she should. I then looked at Brittney, who drank down the rest of her margarita. "I just think that this isn't the best idea" I said in a calm, yet annoyed voice, trying my best not to start an argument. "I guess nothing can satisfy you, you're such a lame ass bitch who is so insecure about herself. So much to a point that your only source of fun is judging people like us. People who actually know how to have a good time!", Brooke retorted threateningly with a glare. I then looked over at Brittney for reinforcement, but she gave me a look of disgust. "C'mon Brooke, you're drunk as hell. And I'm saying this because I care about you, not because I'm judging you!", I said raising my voice in exasperation. "If you don't think this party is a good idea, then what the fuck are you still doing here?", Brittney asked with squinted eyes and a little smirk. "You guys said we could stay the night", I reestablished in confusion. Brooke and Brittney exchange sly glances before looking around the room. They stopped scanning the room as soon as they spotted Chantelle, who to my surprise was smoking a joint while kissing some older guy. "Chantelle can stay, however, you're no longer wanted here", Brooke sneered in a harsh tone. After that, I didn't know how to respond. I felt like I had just been stabbed in the back, twice. Brooke and Brittney were supposed to be my friends, I couldn't understand why they were suddenly treating me like shit. I tried to blame it on the alcohol, but my stomach felt ill with the thought that they actually meant every word they said. "Is she just gonna stand there like a loser?", I heard some girl who had heard us yelling whisper. I was about to leave, but I was unsure of where to go. Almost all my stuff was upstairs in a guest bedroom. "What are you waiting for? Get the hell out of here!", Brooke shouted loudly with a drunken slur and crossed arms. I just looked at her and quickly flipped her off as my "goodbye" to those stupid bitches and ran out the door.


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