Chapter 22

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As I took a small sip from my coffee, I sat behind Sal and Brittney who were typing away on their phones. I watched Sal hit the 'sign up' button on Instagram. They then preceded to begin filling in the information to create an account. "What should the username be?", Sal questioned as she turned to us for a response. "I'm not sure, but it should be juicy!", I replied with a little laugh. "How about... BrookeExposed?", Brittney suggested after thinking for some time. "I love it!", Sal and I responded in unison. After typing the username, Sal asked,"What should the profile picture be?" Brittney and I had no idea what would be a good picture for the account, so we left the job to Sal. "Oh my God! This picture is perfect!", Sal laughed, mischief dancing in her eyes. Brittney and I craned our necks to look at the screen of Sal's iPhone. She was right, the picture was perfect. In the picture, Brooke was wearing a black low cut halter top with sparkling gold booty shorts and black pumps. The picture must have been taken at a party, because she looked totally wasted. She was bent over a toilet and it looked like she was vomiting. At first I had to squint my eyes to see if it was actually Brooke. The girl in the photograph looked more like a prostitute or a stripper than the girl who used to be my friend. "Holy shit! How'd you get this?", Brittney questioned in awe. "I was 'taking care of Brooke' after she had too many drinks", Sal admitted with a sly smile. "It's perfect!", Brittney replied with a cunning smirk and narrowed eyes. Sal just nodded her head in agreement as she made the picture the profile picture of the account. Honestly, I did feel a little bad for Brooke after seeing the username and profile picture on our new account. But then the memories from all the times Brooke had betrayed me flooded back into my mind, and I immediately despised her again. "Now we just need a killer bio", Brittney noted as we scanned the profile. All three of us stay there trying to think of a good bio for several minutes with no success. However, then an idea popped into my mind. Without thinking, I grabbed the phone out of Sal's hand and started typing away. The finished description read, 'Brooke seems like any typical Cali girl. She has beauty, wealth, and popularity. But she's not quite as she seems. She pretends to be your friend, while she secretly hooks up with your boyfriend or starts false rumors about you. But that isn't all. It's time Brooke is exposed for who she really is. And this account is here to do exactly that'. As soon as I was finished, I handed the phone to Sal and Brittney to read. "This is actually really really good!", Brittney exclaimed, not bothering to hide her shock. "Yeah it is. But it is a little lengthy, so I'm gonna just cut out some parts", Sal agreed as she erased a few words. Britt and I were watching as Sal switched the words around to make it fit. Once she was finished, we all gathered closer to get a look. The bio read, 'As slutty and disgusting as she is, Brooke always finds a way to hookup with her best friends boyfriends and ruin the lives of others. Wanna know how glamorous Brooke's life really is? Follow us!' We all exchanged smiles as we finished reading, knowing that this plan was the best of all of the previous ideas we came up with. "This is probably the most evil thing I've ever done", I confessed as I examined the finished profile with a badass username, profile picture, and bio. "Huh, well you haven't seen nothing yet", Sal declared with a devious smile. "Yeah, we're just getting things started. We haven't even posted our first picture or video yet!", Brittney added as she scrolled through her camera roll in search of a picture that would make the perfect post. "Ooh I have an idea. I think we should post a random pic of Brook, it doesn't matter which one. It could either be something embarrassing, or an edit if her spilling all of the dark secrets she may have told each of us", I said talking fast with ideas forming in my mind. My friends looked up from their phones and exclaimed, "fuck yes Ang!" Following up with what I suggested, we scrolled through Britt's camera roll in search of any photos of Brooke she still had. Once we made her look innocent, we captioned the photo. The caption read, 'Hi I'm Brooke! Welcome to my horrible life where my secrets are unveiled and you can discover what a skanky bitch and whore I am. You may think I'm cool or your friend, but I'm really not. I'm actually insecure, childish, and I will do anything to get my revenge. Hopefully through this account, you will realize the disgusting truth about what a shitty person I am.' As soon as we finished typing up the caption, Britt read it aloud in her best impression of a 'bitchy Brooke' voice. Upon hearing it, we all bursted out laughing. "Oh. My. God.", Sal said in between her laughter,"That sounded so convincing!" After a few more seconds of laughter, Britt turned to us and said,"It's time bitches!" Sal and I watched Brittney as she posted the first post on our account. At first, the post seemed to sit there unnoticed. However, just a few minutes later, the account was blowing up with notifications. Suddenly the post was filled with likes and comments, and people kept following our account by the minute. Some people thought it was a just a friendly joke, and they commented laughing emojis and things along those lines. However, other people commented on how amazing our account was and that it was 'finally time for Brooke to be exposed' . Instead of responding to each comment, we simply liked them. "I can't believe how much attention our account is getting already! Like we just created it!", I exclaimed as a bunch more likes and comments popped up. "Isn't it amazing?", Brittney said with a smile on her face,"We will finally get our payback". I was about to agree when Sal said,"Ugh!" Brittney and I turned towards her direction, wondering what was wrong. "Some people are just so stupid and blind. They are commenting things like how our account is mean and we need to stop.", Sal responded in annoyance. "What?", I questioned in disbelief as I turned my attention to her phone. All three of us read the comments and were surprised with the number of people standing up for Brooke. "Are they serious? They're making us look like we're the bad guys, when Brooke is the backstabbing bitch here!", Brittney yelled furiously as she turned away from the phone. "It's so unfair! I wish they could see what a horrible person she is!", I yelled in agreement. "Don't worry guys, we made this account to expose Brooke for the tramp that she is, and we're going to do exactly that!", Sal insisted as she clicked on a video from her camera roll. "What's that?", I asked curiously. "It's one of the first videos we have to expose Brooke", Sal explained as she pressed the 'play' button. The video began to play, and Brittney and I watched in awe as we watched a video from a previous party. As soon as I saw Sasha, I knew exactly what the video would show. It was from the night of the party that Brooke was a bitch to Sasha and kicked her out. Brooke had lied to everyone, saying that Sasha was the one to start a fight and call her names. Brooke knew that once her friends knew what really happened, they would be shocked and angry with how cruelly she treated Sasha. "Are you sure about this?", I questioned with a trace of concern in my voice. "Definitely, Brooke deserves this", Sal responded in a confident voice. "I'm just worried that this video will make me look bad...", Brittney admitted in a quiet whisper. "Why?", I asked, unsure of what Brittney did that could taint her reputation. With a small frown on her face, Brittney scrolled to the part I hadn't seen or heard about. Brittney was standing there with Brooke, and you could tell that she was totally drunk. For most of the time Brooke and Sasha were fighting, she stayed out of it and just drank some alcoholic beverage which was in her hand. However, then her behavior began to escalate. She gave Sasha a nasty look and later said,"If you don't think this party is a good idea, then what the fuck are you still doing here?". The whole time we watched it, Brittney just sat there looking uncomfortable. This whole time I knew about the fight between Brooke and Sasha, I hadn't known Brittney was involved! "I'm so sorry...", Brittney mumbled as she looked into the distance,"I was just so drunk." I had no idea what to say to Brittney. After all, she basically put the idea about kicking Sasha out into Brooke's head. She definitely wasn't innocent in the situation. To my surprise, Sal didn't feel the same way. "Britt, we all do things we're not proud of, especially when we're around Brooke. She brings out the dark sides out of us all. And besides, you are basically blameless, you were so drunk that you later tried eating a rock!", Sal insisted with a little laugh at the last part. At first I wasn't sure where Sal was going with that, but then I realized she was right. "Sal's right you know, there's something about Brooke that just brings the worst out of people", I confessed, remembering the time on the beach when I was so mad at Brooke and would do anything to get back at her. "Also, just for your sake", Sal started to say to Brittney,"I can remove the parts of the video that make you look bad." Brittney flashed Sal a small smile and hugged her as she said,"Thanks Sal". After Sal worked her magic, and removed the parts of video that showed Brittney adding fuel to the fire, the video was ready. "So...", Sal began to say as she pointed to the finished video,"All in favor of posting his video, and exposing Brooke for the shitty friend she is, say I." Britt, Sal, and I all looked at each other with huge grins before saying 'I bitches'.


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