Chapter 9

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I woke up in the morning with a killer headache. As I sat up, a streak of light flashed through the white blinds. The light was so bright that it felt like it burned out my eyes. I suddenly turned my head, which was now throbbing, to the side. To my surprise, I realized there was someone laying in the bed next to me. I rubbed my eyes and got a better look. It was Brittney. Her hair was a glassy red shade which was emphasized by the light color of the pillow. Her eyes were still closed, and her face revealed a relaxed expression. My memory of the previous night was so dispersed that at first I wasn't sure if we had hooked up or not. "Hey" I finally said as she started to wake up. "Hey baby" she said back, then kissed me. I pulled her in closer, then started to make out with her even more. Her skin touched mine, and our lips met, reminding me of the previous night. The night before, I had seen Brittney standing on the other side of the room. She turned her head towards my direction, and we locked eyes. From across the room, I could feel the tension between us. As she stared at me, I felt her undressing me with her eyes. After having a lustful exchange of eye sex, I motioned my head to the stairs. Brittney understood what I had meant, because she left her group of friends and followed me up the staircase. We reached the top of the stairs and silently walked down the dimly lit hallway. We approached a white door at the end of the hallway, and I lightly knocked on it. Nobody said anything, so I opened the door and entered the room. Brittney was right behind me and had a sexy smile on her face. She flicked the light switch, causing the whole room to light up. The room looked the epitome of summer and beaches. It was intricately decorated with mementos and everything beach related. The color scheme was blue and white, and it was filled with modern furniture and decorations. I turned around to face Brittney. For just a moment, we stood there, looking into each other's eyes. Not long after, she put her hands on my shoulders and began making out with me. I lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around my body. We continued kissing for a while before I threw her onto the bed. She laughed for a second before sexily whispering,"You're so strong babe." I was about to say something in response, but instead just smiled and pressed my lips against hers.
After my train of thoughts from the previous night, I finally looked at Britt who was waiting for me to answer something she said. "Sorry babe, I was just thinking of something else". She sighed, then smiled saying, "let's just get something to eat, I'm starving!" "Sure, I have the perfect place in mind", I responded, thinking about the cafe nearby. We quietly walked downstairs, trying not to wake anybody up. It seemed as if everyone was asleep in rooms or had already left.
As we were entered the small cozy shop, we were laughing hard about some of the events that took place last night during the party. The cafe was small, with many quotes seen in home goods shops and coffee bags lining the shelves. "What are you thinking about getting?" I asked as I scanned the menus above. "Probably a caramel macchiato" She responded before thinking it through. We decided to sit at a small table towards the outer center of the room. I happened to look around and saw Sal and Cody sitting across from each other in a corner across the room. The two of them seemed to be in a deep conversation, and I was surprised that they were sitting together without Brooke. I remembered how Cody said he was interested in Brooke and wanted to hookup with her. So why now was he having breakfast with Sal? I wondered if they had met up just this morning, or if they had spent the night together. Brittney had noticed me looking over at them, so she turned her head around to the direction I was looking. "That's weird", Britt stated as she spotted Sal and Cody laughing across from each other. "Yeah, I didn't know that they hung out", I agreed with a slightly confused expression on my face. I was about to change the topic, when Brittney randomly stood up. "What are you-", I started to say, but stopped after I realized she had already started to walk into the direction of the table where Sal and Cody were sitting. I started to trail behind her, but didn't want to get involved in whatever was going to happen. When Sal was about to engage more in what Cody was saying, she noticed Britt from the side and gave her an awkward smile. "What are you doing here, with-him" Britt stammered in a demanding tone. "You know this is a local cafe right?" Sal said sarcastically with a hint of bitchiness. "Guess I didn't read the sign" She replied giving her an annoyed glare. Sal just stared at me, then gestured for Britt to step aside and talk about it. "Look, I know what you're thinking, and Cody and I have been seeing each other" Sal said while looking at Britt for an answer or some type of remark. She probably thinks Britt is going to rat her out by blackmailing her or going against her because she's Brooke's best friend. "Please, keep this between us" Sal looked at Britt pleadingly. "I promise, but why would you do this?" She questioned. Sal just smiled half heartedly and in response she said, "I guess life's a bitch".


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