Chapter 7

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"I'll be back, promise" I yelled to one of my friends who has just arrived, over the loud blaring music. I spotted who I've been wanting to see, and started walking towards her. The night had been amazing, just meeting hot girls from the beach, to spending time with my friends, and now, this awesome party. As I approached Brooke, a smile crept across my face. Damn, she was so sexy. She wore a short blue velvet crop top which had a low lace up v-neck. She also wore black high waisted shorts and black pumps. She and her friend Brittney were dancing happily around a group of guys my age. I quietly walked up behind her, and wrapped my arms around her thin waist. "Who the fuck is that?", she questioned in confusion as she turned her head towards me. "Don't worry babe, it's just me", I answered with a laugh as I brushed a few of her hairs out of her face. "Cody! You scare the shit outta me!", Brooke exclaimed with a fucking cute little laugh as she faced her whole body towards me. "Sorry, I just couldn't resist coming over here", I confessed as I looked into Brooke's beautiful blue eyes. Brooke smiled happily for a moment before leaning in towards me. A second later, our lips met, and we began making out. All eyes were on us. After making out for several minutes I pulled away from Brooke and whispered in her ear,"How about we take this somewhere else? I'd love to see your bedroom." Brooke moved an inch closer, placed her mouth on my neck, then said, "of course baby"
I grabbed her by the waist, then reached lower, as we were making out on her bed. "You're so sexy Brooke", I whispered as I started to pull at the strap of her crop top. "You're bad, and I like that about you" Brooke whispered sexily, taking my shirt off. I was about to pull at her bra, until suddenly, Brooke pulled away. "What's wrong?"I asked kissing her neck, staring into her eyes. "I can't just hookup with a guy who's had sex with other girls" Brooke said accusingly. I little taken aback, I stated, "I'm not like that Brooke, I really like you" I said reassuringly. "I'm sorry Cody, I like you too, I'm just not into being drunk and having sex. I'd rather wait for the perfect moment with you" she smiled. From previous experience, sex is always better after partying for a while. Instead of arguing and making things worse, I just smiled and walked down stairs with her. Once we reached the bottom of the stairs, Brooke spotted her friend Sal,"I'll talk to you later baby", she promised before giving me a quick kiss and walking away. I had only gotten to walk a few feet when I heard a familiar voice. "Yo Cody, where've you been?", Ashton, who was with Derek and Blaine, asked with a knowing smirk. "Oh, I was just upstairs with Brooke", I replied with a big smile. "So how was she?", Derek questioned, raising an eyebrow and taking a sip of his drink,"She's hot as fuck and I bet she's even hotter without all those clothes on". Blaine just laughed while Ashton chugged a beer. "Well, we haven't had sex yet-", I started to explain. "What do you mean?", Blaine interrupted with a confused expression on his face. I was about to explain what happened when Ashton started laughing unexpectedly. "Brooke rejected you!", Ashton exclaimed as he continued to laugh mockingly. "No, we're going to hookup, just not right now", I insisted as I rolled my eyes,"And you really should lay off on the beer." Ashton just gave me a look before adding, "I'm just saying, she's probably blowing you off to be with some other guy, I mean, look at this party!" I looked around the room to realize Ashton could be right, her house was filled with good looking guys. However, based on what she had said to me earlier, I doubted it was true. She seemed to actually want us to be exclusive. Then again, it could all be an act.


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