Chapter 15

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The party was getting even more wild; with continuous flows of people entering the house, belly shots, and blunts scattered all over the ground. Ashton's lips softly caressed mine, and his hands ran through my deep red hair. He pulled me closer and I kissed him harder. When I was with him, everything and everyone else seemed to disappear. Nothing else mattered but him and I. "Ugh, get a room already!", the sound of a guy's voice interrupted our make out session. My eyes moved from Ashton and to the guy. I then shot him an intimidating glare, telling the guy to back off. I had started to lean closer to Ashton, but he pulled away. "Let's get a room", he declared as he got up from the couch and smiled. "Fine", I agreed, as I followed Ashton's lead and walked towards the staircase. "You know, it would be a hella lot more kinky if we didn't have a room", I claimed as we made our way up the stairs. Ashton just smirked at me and exclaimed,"That would put on too much of a show for everyone else." I agreed, and we began walking down the hallway in search of a room. We were walking towards a bedroom door, when someone opened it. Suddenly I was face to face with Brooke. I just looked at her for a second, unsure of what to say. Rumor had it that she had caught Sal and Cody in the act. After an awkward silence, a look of pure disgust and rage crept onto her face. "You bitch! You're such a fucking horrible friend!", Brooke snarled with tears building up in her eyes. While I thought over a response, Ashton stood beside me awkwardly and totally confused. "I'm sorry babe...", I had started to say as I placed my hands on Brooke's shoulders. "You're my best friend! You're supposed to tell me everything!", Brooke yelled as she pushed me away,"Don't you dare touch me Britt, you knew Cody was cheating on me with that whore!" I couldn't believe this was happening, Brooke wasn't supposed to find out. And to make things worse, Ashton turned towards me with a blank expression and exclaimed,"That's it, I'm getting the hell outta here!" As much as the words hurt when they came out of Brooke's mouth, I still wanted to fix things. After all, Brooke is my best friend. We do everything together, and I couldn't live without her. I turned towards Brooke who was still looking at me. "Brooke, can we please talk about it, I can explain everything, plus I shouldn't be the one you should lash out at. If anything it should be Sal". "There's nothing to explain", Brooke muttered in a nasty tone, walking away. I decided to give up, because it's not going to get any better when she won't even bother listening to me. When I got downstairs, I was too disappointed to stay any longer. My boyfriend left probably thinking I was some skanky bitch ruining her best friend's life, and I just lost a friend that was more like a sister to me. Downstairs, everyone seemed to be partying and having a great time. Meanwhile, I felt like a piece of shit. I was about to leave when I spotted a group of my friends nearby. "Britt, what's wrong?", Chantelle asked, obviously noticing the look of sadness on my face. "Brooke and I got into a fight", I started to say as I filled a cup with alcohol,"I really don't feel like talking about it." "Hey, I'm sorry you guys are fighting", She replied with an understanding smile,"If you ever need someone to talk to or just listen, I'm always available." That's one thing I loved about Chantelle, she was a person you could talk to, and she would just listen without judgment. "Thanks babe, I love you", I responded wholeheartedly as I took a sip from my cup. "Now wipe that frown off of your face, just because you and Brooke are fighting does not mean you should not have a good time!", Chantelle exclaimed as she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the middle of the room where everyone was dancing. I was tired of feeling bad about everything that had happened earlier, so I just went along with it. And as Chantelle and I danced to some popular Rihanna song, all my thoughts and worries seemed to fly away into the night. That is, until the song ended and Chantelle noticed Angel crying from across the room. Chantelle and I exchanged glances, before hurrying over to Angel. "Angel, are you okay?", Chantelle questioned as we approached Angel and Sasha, who were sitting on the couch. I knew that Brooke and I were supposed to be avoiding Sasha and Angel, however, that all seemed so useless now. "We overheard a rumor...", Sasha had started to explain with a grim expression on her face,"Apparently Jason cheated on Angel." "With who?", Chantelle questioned as she wrapped her arms around Angel and hugged her tightly. Sasha squinted her eyes to show disgust as she muttered,"Brooke." At first, I wondered how it was possible for Brooke to have hooked up with Jason. But then I thought back to our fight. Brooke had opened the door of a guest bedroom that I was about to go in. She must have hooked up with Jason in revenge, because she was angry at Cody and Sal! I felt stupid for not realizing that someone was in the room with Brooke. Then the thoughts about the night before came into my mind, when Brooke and I started to torment Angel for being a whiny bitch. I decided to stay by her side, because if that ever happened with Ashton, I would be the same way.


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