Chapter 11

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This afternoon I woke up feeling nauseous and unusually tired. I looked around the room that I have crashed in to see that I was alone, but there must have been people that left at different times. I decided to head downstairs when I spotted scattered joints in the room near where I slept. I opened the blinds and looked out to see Brooke and Roxy chatting while laying out tanning. They were laughing as they were looking at Roxy's phone. I gathered my clothes and started my day. I forgot about yesterday, it all felt long and confusing. I decided to text Sasha saying, 'where are you? I miss you:-(". As I awaited a response, I rummaged through the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. I pulled out large pill bottle and read the label 'acetaminophen' and put it back in its spot. A white bottle then caught my attention. The label read 'Aspirin'. Bingo. I unscrewed the cap and popped two into my mouth. After returning the Aspirin and walking downstairs, I checked my phone. Sasha had still not texted me back. Weird. I decided to call her, however, my call went straight to voicemail. I wondered if she was ignoring me because I made her mad somehow, or if she was just busy. Just as I was putting my phone into my purse, it started to vibrate. I answered it quicker than I could and checked to see who it was. "What do you want?", Sasha's asked in an icy tone. Startled by her response, I replied "Sash, I don't get why you're so mad at me, so can we just talk about this and be done cause I really want my best friend back!" There was a slight pause, then a second later Sasha countered, "it's been a day and you were a dipshit at the party" Sasha then said in a nasty tone. "I'm sorry for whatever I did to you, but can we put it past us?" I pleaded. "Fine, but don't leave me looking like some lame bitch making a fool of myself in front of Brooke and Britt" Sasha sighed. "Yeah of course, and just tell me what happened later" I replied gratefully. "Will do" Sasha said back. We both said goodbye and ended the call. I started to walk outside with my towel in hand and bathing suit on when Brooke and Roxy stopped their conversation when they noticed me walking up towards them. "What you guys looking at?" I said while smiling. Roxy just gave me a mischievous glance before replying, "oh nothing, just some hot ass nudes from Derek". "Fuck, really?", I asked as I looked over their shoulders to see,"Damn!" From what I could see, Derek was extremely attractive and fit. His body was muscular and perfectly toned. I was still looking at the pictures when Roxy exited out of them. "Anyways, what's up?", I asked as I sat on the chair next to Brooke. "Well, there's so much going on with Sasha and she's being a bitch, and not the good kind" Brooke said scowling as she rolled her eyes. "What do you mean?" I acknowledged confused in where this was going. "Other than Angel being a real piece of shit, Sasha had to drop the ball at my party" Brooke explained. "But what did she do exactly" I pushed, starting to get annoyed that she wasn't telling me everything. "She started yelling at me, trashing my party saying how I threw such a terrible party and called me a rich thot and other words I won't bother saying" Brooke reflected. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry that happened to you Brooke" I said sympathetically. Of course I didn't remember what had gone on at the party, but I know Brooke would never lie to us, she always keeps her word to her friends. I just can't comprehend that Sasha would say such a thing to Brooke, and I finally know why. Sasha probably showed up, started drinking a few shots of whatever was presented there, and became drunk. She's such a two faced whore, that I almost feel sorry for the little bitch. It looks like it's time for a little game I like to call, revenge.


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