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This is my interview with BobBryarIsBae

They have 180 followers at the moment and 9 published works including Gravity and The New Kids which is a MCR fic with 1k reads.

1. Why did you decide to first make your Wattpad account?

I love to write and always have. A few of my friends were asking me to write a fic about my favorite MCR member (Bob, of course). I wasn't going to, but a plot just came to me so...I did lol.

2. You mostly write MCR fics, so how did you first get into that band?

Oh gosh, many many years ago, when I first saw 'I'm Not Okay' on MTV, I fell in love instantly.

3. Do you have a book of yours that you would recommend for people not sure where to start?

Yes, The New Kids. It's actually a 4 part story, but that's the first one.

4. Do you enjoy writing oneshots or full length fics more?

I definitely prefer full length stories, you can put more into the characters and tell a better story (well, for me at least).

5. Do you have a favorite character you've written so far?

Yes, Paige Iero, Frank Iero's twin sister. I love her so much, I let a friend of mine use her in her own stories.

6. What is the hardest part about writing for you?

Probably the detail. For one, you have to keep the details straight or it just doesn't make any sense, but you also need a lot of detail to keep the story going, or it'll end short.

7. Do you have a future goal you would like to reach on Wattpad?

Short term, I just want 'The New Kids' to reach 2k, I'd probably scream. Long term, not really.

8. How do you juggle writing and your personal life?

Well until recently I didn't really have much of a social life, if I wasn't at work, I was home writing. Now, I just write when I can, really.

9. Do you have any plans for new stories in the future?

Well, I plan to finally add more than one chapter to 'Competitive Lovers', but other than that, no nothing new planned.

10. What has been your best moment on Wattpad so far?

Probably when "The New Kids" was nominated for a Band Fiction award. It didn't make the cut, but I was honored someone thought so highly of it.

I hope you enjoyed my interview with the lovely BobBryarIsBae

Don't forget to comment suggestions for other authors I should feature next.

Love you all xxx

- starr

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