mythicalgerard ❌

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This is my interview with mythicalgerard

They have 56 followers at the moment and 2 published works including Love Me Tender which is a Frerard and Ti Adoro which is a Frerard with 1k reads.

1. Why did you decide to first make your Wattpad account?

I decided to make a Wattpad account when I first discovered fanfiction just last year. I had recently found Frerard and read a fanfiction on a different website and I fell into it like a fly in a spider web. I made an account without the intentions of writing but I decided to try it. I do not do it often but when I do I enjoy it.

2. Do you like reading on this site as well or mostly writing?

I'm more of a reader and watcher than a writer. I like to read things and digest them to the best of my ability. I like observing and admiring because there are many talented authors on this site and they have really good plot and au ideas. I do get inspired but I never know how to put inspiration into words so I prefer reading over writing most of the time.

3. You mostly write Frerard, so how did you first get into that ship?

My friend Elizabeth showed me pictures of Frank first and I said he was handsome, the same goes with Gerard. Then she asked if I think they made a good couple and at first I was thrown off and said no until she showed me videos and pictures, as well as fan edit vines. They're a team that should not go well together but they do in my opinion.

4. Do you have any difficulties writing two different stories at once?

Yes I do. I have my own personal fic that I have not updated since January and a collaboration fanfiction with vampirexchild. I find difficulty writing my ideas into words so it's hard for me to write and sometimes I wonder if writing is for me but then when I update I feel very happy and useful. I'll get comfortable enough soon.

5. What is the hardest part about writing for you?

I think it's details. I never know when it's too much or too little so my stories seem a little bland and emotionless. I do try though and people seem to like the outcome of my attempts so I keep my writing style the same. I hope to improve one day.

6. Do you have a favorite character you've written so far?

I love Gerard from Love Me Tender. There's just something about him, the troubled soul who loves too deeply. He has secrets and he runs away from them but at the same time he wants to let himself love Frank to the fullest extent. He's beautiful. I love writing him and the way April writes him especially.

7. Do you have any pet peeves concerning Wattpad or things you dislike about posting on here?

The only thing I dislike about this website is that there are a lot of bugs. I've had issues with sending messages, then it would keep logging me out, or it would not notify people of my updates. That's why I am not so active, I get frustrated easily and want to be away from the app for a long while. Other than that, I have no troubles.

8. Would you like to one day work on getting a book published or do you write more for fun?

Oh I only write for fun. I could never get a book published, that's too stressful and time consuming. I don't have enough talent either to be honest, it's more of a hobby to get some visuals out of my head or just to pass the time. It's one of the only things I don't try to be a perfectionist at because I feel creativity can be anything in writing.

9. Do you have a future goal you would like to reach on Wattpad?

A goal would be to get Love Me Tender to 1k. It's my favorite work that I have and I also have a fantastic author writing it with me. Although updates are slow which is my fault, I like how it's going so far and I put my all into it when I write a chapter for it.

10. What has been your best moment on Wattpad so far?

The best moment was when I asked vampirexchild if she wanted to write a book with me and she said yes. At first she only wrote the smut but then I decided to just ask if she wanted to write with me, she's honestly my favorite author.

It also feels nice to write with someone because it isn't so stressful and putting your head together with someone is exciting. You always have another person to help you out when you're stuck.

Thank you for having me for one of your interviews xoxo

I hope you enjoyed my interview with the lovely mythicalgerard

Update: mythicalgerard has deleted their account.

Don't forget to comment suggestions for other authors I should feature next.

Love you all xxx

- starr

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